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Express link to Vintage Radio & Television

Written on Monday, 13th October, 2014 at 20:00.

This is a short and simple lesson on how to create a shortcut to Vintage Radio & Television in Windows 7 and 8. The same technique is likely in Windows 10, which is projected to be released next year.

This is a trick that seems to only work for Internet Explorer. You may be able to create shortcuts for other browsers but not using the method shown below.

Internet Explorer Favourites Icon

Open Internet Explorer and navigate to the secure version of Vintage Radio & Television, (noting the security prefix) https://vintage-radio.com.au/. Don't worry about the 'www' in the URL, this site excludes it anyway. Once you are at the site's home page simply drag the 'VR' roundel shown inside the red circle in the above image down to a blank spot on your taskbar and let go of it there.

Job done. You should now see the site's favourites icon in your task bar. When you click this the browser will over-ride your home page settings and take you straight here. You can then use this window to set your preferred window width and height settings which will not interfere with the settings you have set for when you click the standard blue IE icon. You will also notice that the window open when clicking the new icon will provide a matching colour scheme for the FWD and BACK buttons.

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