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Vintage Radio

22 years down the track, we are still here.

It was October, 2003 when we kicked things off here on Vintage Radio. At that time, and for the next two years, this site would be a simple personal website displaying the site owner's collection and a few tutorials and resource links. It would be another two years or so before the idea of adding discussion forums would come along. We are now more than 19 years down that road and we still have the only Australian-based discussion forums on vintage radio and related subjects. Whilst I am not worried about or against competition, I have to say that it is better, in my opinion, to have everyone in the one place.

The site has come along way over the years and it is hard to believe that this amount of time has passed. On the 'About' page, there are links to what this site has looked like over the years and there will be another renovation down the track but this is not finalised yet, as time is in short supply. In recent years I also pretty much retired from web development, which means in a systems-related sense, we are stuck in time. I may wind up paying someone to assist with giving the site an update, but again, I still have to do some ground work first.

I may be incorrect in saying this but I am hoping that the RadioFest will be on again this year, as the last one was in 2023. Seasoned collectors and restorers will be aware of what the RadioFest is and to us it requires no introduction but for those who aren't aware, the RadioFest is a biennial event that brings the entire radio collecting and restoration fraternity together in one place for social interaction plus an auction and grand sale so radios, spare parts and test equipment can be traded. If the RadioFest does get held this year, an announcement will be made here as soon as information becomes available.

Lastly, I just want to let both those who are new to the site and those who have been here since the beginning and everyone in between that it is not me that makes this site a success, it is you, because without the input of those who contribute, this site cannot be a success. To you, I say thankyou.