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Debate with an ignorant moron

Below is a transcript of a debate that is currently underway on Ebay between myself and another member, Walt-Disney-Comics. To give an insight into why this all started - Walt did not appreciate a listing of mine containing a job lot of 12 radios for sale and the note I included at the bottom of the listing stating that I will be removing the power cords from any radios that still have them for safety reasons.

walt-disney-comics: can you tell me why you insist on cutting the leads off?

vintage-radio*com*au: Power leads are cut off to stop people applying power to the items. All of these radios are at least fifty years old and require servicing to one degree or another. I've also mentioned that some of the power leads are in poor condition. New cotton-covered three core power cable is available from other Ebay sellers and I can give that information to the winning bidder.

walt-disney-comics: youn damage a good radio by removing the lead - if i ever buy radios from you then i would expect them to be complete with the lead attached just because the radio is old dont make it unusable

get a life.

vintage-radio*com*au: Some of the radios came to me without leads and that is how they will be sold. The reason a lot of radios are sold without leads is because the seller has a duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure people are not electrocuted by second hand appliances. I am not going to sacrifice a clear cut ethics issue for the sake of a power lead worth $2.00 to replace one that is damaged or worn.

I really do not understand why you seem so angry. Safety with valve radios is a topic often discussed on my website and most agree - when there is doubt over the electrical integrity of an appliance then remove the lead. I am hoping that you will appreciate that safety should come before convenience.

walt-disney-comics: i beg to differ about safety radios.

if you are a shop and you sell radios through a registered shop then maybe you can then cut the lead off.

you are selling these radios through a private sale and there is no obligation to cut the lead off. the radios were licenced to be sold under patens which were current at that time.those patons still exist and there is no change in the requiments to to them.

people who buy these radios are one of two types.


they are radioenthousts who know enough about them to check the working condition before pluging them in and


they are radio techs who repair them.

now if you cut the lead off all you are doing is making work for the tech to find the correct polarity of the electric current that needs to be re -attached so that active goes to the active.

and if you know anything about electricity --you will know that when these radios were made --they needed an arial which was grounded. grounding the arial gave you an earth.

you take a look at all the electrical items in your house and see how many do not have an earth.

then explaine to me what the difference is

please use ebay to block my nice so that i dont have to deal with you by mistake.

and my god have mercy on your soul.

vintage-radio*com*au: I am a licenced electrician - have been for around 19 years. I know what I am talking about. Given that you can't even construct a sentence with correct capitalisation, punctuation and grammar makes me wonder why I am even wasting time having this conversation with you.

That said, the items are now sold to another buyer who appreciates them so that is the end of the story.

I'm not going to block you or waste any further time arguing with you. I may, however, discuss your ineptitude, incompetence and lack of interest regarding safety with various mates, friends and acquaintences over the next few days though.

walt-disney-comics: I am a licenced electrician and have been for 49 years.I also have a electronic engeneering degree from sydney uni!

I know what I am talking about!

This is not an english class.

And i am not a typest.

It's people like you that "puck" up the country with your stupid ideas!

vintage-radio*com*au: If you were experienced with electronics you'd realise that an aerial connection to a radio isn't earthed. You'd also realise that the primary winding on a power transformer has no polarity and will work regardless of the way the active and neutral wires are connected to it. You'd also realise that most valve radios were not fitted with power switches so, again, polarity isn't important.

Stop lying about your past just to try and win a petty debate. You'll just make yourself look stupid in the long run. I'll add that the way you speak to people along with your poor standard of written expression doesn't do much to promote a university education.

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