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Vintage Gramophones and Phonographs

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 One for the collector?
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 10:37:32 PM on 23 August 2016.
Jeff's Gravatar
 Location: Canberra, ACT
 Member since 23 July 2016
 Member #: 1957
 Postcount: 46

I first saw one of these on an auction type TV show.

So I Googled it.

Here's what I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNowLvmIPoo

If I said it is a Volkswagen record player, you'd still not guess what it is!


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 12:48:18 AM on 24 August 2016.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
 Member #: 823
 Postcount: 6803

There have been some recordings that I would like to submit to that torture.

I have mentioned here before that the thing that analogue recording techniques -- both sound and vision -- will always have on their digital replacements is that they are essentially future proof because, as long as the recording medium has been well preserved, you can always knock up a replay device with a few easily obtainable parts.

For instance, take this vinyl player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tqSRh7gGk

And this 8mm projector: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srci2sykEYs

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