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 Restoration of a Astor Royal 23
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 11:17:53 PM on 15 June 2013.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
 Member since 20 September 2011
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The reason I originally joined this Forum, and hence my handle "monochrome625", was because of my interest in old black and white televisions. However, I haven't engaged much on the subject of TV in the past 18 months, being sidetracked by all the other interesting topics and discussions that go on in this Forum.

Ever since I was a young child I have been fascinated by old TV's and valves. I remember the TV serviceman coming over when the telly went on the blink and watching him change a valve or two. When colour TV arrived on the scene the hard rubbish collections were awash with old TV's, some of which today would be very collectable. Later on my interests would also include valve radios (especially exotic European ones) and valve Hi-Fi.

A while ago I acquired a 23 inch Astor Royal. TV Collector told me it was made in 1967 (a year after I was born) and has a series 8 chassis (I think it might be a series 8A). It didn't really need that much work. The 1S2 EHT rectifier had a broken top-cap and the 6AL3 boost diode had a crack in the glass. The other valves except the 6HG8 (tuner) tested OK. I replaced most of the electrolytics- the other caps were the Philips mustard and pink Anodeon types which are generally reliable.

Last weekend, with the help of TV Collector, the TV was fired up. Everything was good except for some vertical issues. The bottom portion of the screen couldn't be filled in. Changing the 6GV8 (V6) in the vertical oscillator/output section made no difference. TV Collector suggested replacing the 3.9M (R108) resistor between the height control and the plate of the vertical oscillator (6GV8). This resistor had gone high. He also suggested replacing the 100μF (C101) electrolytic which goes between the cathode of the vertical output & ground.

Today I replaced those parts, and bingo, I now have a full screen. I checked the 100μF cap on a capacitance meter and it read .06μF. There is still some issues around the vertical linearity and I'll have to check some more resistors, but at least I have a watch-able picture.

I hooked up my Jaycar R.F.modulator to a DVD player and have spent this evening watching my latest purchase, a box set DVD's of "Homicide" Vol. 1 from Crawford Productions at http://www.crawfordsdvd.com.au/homicide.php.

A classic Australian black and white TV show on a classic Australian TV set. You could be transported back to the 1960's- looks fantastic!

Astor Royal Television
Astor Royal Television
Astor Royal Television
Astor Royal Television
Astor Royal Television

I'm now going to pull out the "Aunty Jack" DVD box-set!


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 11:50:35 PM on 15 June 2013.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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I honestly didn't think that Crawfords were around these days. Most of the production houses are global now and usually in foreign hands.

I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of the set.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 7:31:26 PM on 16 June 2013.
TV Collector's Gravatar
 Location: Ballarat, VIC
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Nice to see that things have progressed so well!

Those cathode bypass caps do some heavy work and I've had problems with them before.

It should be a pretty reliable set once the niggling issues are sorted out.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 7:23:48 AM on 17 June 2013.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
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Intro to HOMICIDE has traffic turning to the right of the 'Silent Cop' in contradiction to traditional Australian rule: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_turn.

View clip on provided link: http://www.crawfordsdvd.com.au/homicide.php.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 2:30:12 PM on 17 June 2013.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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That looks like it is in Melbourne. In most Sydney intersections the silent cops were placed at the end of the 'double yellows' at each entry point to an intersection. Many of them are still in service here though others have been removed because motorbike riders have come unstuck when cutting corners.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 3:14:52 PM on 17 June 2013.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
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Yeah, I see Wiki gets into a bit of a tizzy over this guy's write-up, but actually it's very accurate--and I just picked up on his point that the old Aussie practice resembles a Roundabout! So what became antiquated becomes fashionable again!

 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 6:42:19 PM on 17 June 2013.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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Many smaller country towns here have clock towers in the middle of the intersection of the two main streets. Mudgee, NSW still has theirs and is close to where I go camping in the old gold mining town of Hill End.

When I was a kid it was the done thing to drive around the clock tower as if it was a roundabout but there are lights at that intersection now, so the practice seen in the Homicide video is what takes place now.

One thing that is very rare here now are the old silent cops with the cats eyes in them. Most of those still in service simply have reflective tape and it just doesn't look right.

One note regarding Wikipedia in general - the administrators of the site have some pretty stupid ideas about what constitutes a good article. It has already been stated early in that article that the description of a diamond turn (although I've never heard of the expression myself) applies to countries where drivers drive on the left and Australia and Great Britain are only two of dozens of countries where this is the norm. There'd also be thousands of articles where the subject matter applies only to one or two countries. If an article is truthful, which this one is, and there is at least one credible source to back it up then what is their problem?

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 7:45:32 PM on 17 June 2013.
Chris Ronayne's avatar
 Location: Wauchope, NSW
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You certainly don't see many 'Silent cops' any more. I can remember a few near my school, but I think they've been mostly removed (darn shame!).

I don't understand all the 'anti-silent cop' hype. If you are following correct driving/riding procedures and road rules, they are of no obstacle. However, it's because of idiots that cut corners and hit them, that they are being removed.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 10:41:53 PM on 17 June 2013.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
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Now back to the original subject.

I have been playing around with my Astor Royal tonight. I'm finding when I am using the DVD player or STB connected through the RF modulator I'm getting a hum/buzz coming through especially when there is a lot of whites on the screen. I don't get this when the TV is plugged in to an aerial and receiving a analogue signal. Could it be DVD player or STB causing it, or is it the RF modulator? It is a little annoying. Analogue TV switchoff date is 10/12/2013 here in Melbourne and after then I wont have much choice but to use the DVD player or STB.

A friend of mine has a little miniture transmitter that has an AV input and transmits on channel 0 or 1. He built this from a Silicon Chip kit sold at Jaycar. These kits are no longer available and I even contacted Jaycars head-office in Sydney but to no avail. RCS may have a board for this kit but I dont like my chances of finding the RF unit.

Anyone out there got any ideas?


 Return to top of page · Post #: 10 · Written at 6:38:27 AM on 18 June 2013.
Scraps's Gravatar
 Location: Blue Mountains, NSW
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I vaguely remember reading about a little AV modulator in a recent Radio Waves. I'm not into TV's so I didn't take a lot of notice, I'll dig it out.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 11 · Written at 7:54:16 AM on 18 June 2013.
Chris Ronayne's avatar
 Location: Wauchope, NSW
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I get a similar problem with my PYE portable, when there are advertisements or white writing on the screen, it starts to buzz and hum. It also does it when I enter the menu on the set-top box, and gets louder as I progress into the menu!

I posted a thread about it quite a while ago, and while I can't remember the answer, it may be worth looking it up.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 12 · Written at 8:24:56 AM on 18 June 2013.
Scraps's Gravatar
 Location: Blue Mountains, NSW
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I found the article and have sent it to both of you. It discusses interference with the B/W picture from the colour chroma signal. I don't know if this could also cause your problem but it shows the circuit to build a filter for it.

The tested modulator is available from Kristal Electronics in Townsville.




 Return to top of page · Post #: 13 · Written at 2:00:46 PM on 18 June 2013.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
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Thanks for the article, Warren.
I'll give it a good read when I get home tonight.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 14 · Written at 2:16:32 PM on 18 June 2013.
Chris Ronayne's avatar
 Location: Wauchope, NSW
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Thanks Warren! I'll have a look after school.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 15 · Written at 7:42:17 PM on 18 June 2013.
Redxm's avatar
 Location: Tamworth, NSW
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Having read the TV issue of Radio Waves, I cant beleive that the author overlooked this: http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=LM3873.



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