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 AWA P6 info wanted
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 4:06:57 PM on 5 June 2016.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

I have an AWA P6, orange, in good condition externally, when powered up I get a white horizontal line across the screen. Been a long time since I have worked on B&W TV's. Can anyone give me a starting point.
Also, does anyone have a circuit on the P6 ?

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 6:01:03 PM on 5 June 2016.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
 Location: Belrose, NSW
 Member since 31 December 2015
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 Postcount: 2527

I don't have a circuit of the P6 but it was much the same as the P5, the P6 didn't have 12v DC power option from memory. Or maybe it was the other way around! Been a long time, I used to fix these under warranty.

The external 12v power input used to be the biggest cause of warranty work on transistor portable TVs. Never did discover what people did to blow them up! Most manufacturers made versions without the external 12v DC, probably for that reason!

I have emailed you the P5 circuit.

Vertical circuit is pretty simple, standard Class A choke load. Not much there to go wrong. Have a look around TR402. A BC547 will replace it. Those pots were pretty flakey as well.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 7:44:54 PM on 5 June 2016.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
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Here is a pdf from the JR manuals, page A106, Group 16.

AWA P6 Circuit Diagram

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 12:08:13 AM on 6 June 2016.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
 Location: Belrose, NSW
 Member since 31 December 2015
 Member #: 1844
 Postcount: 2527

Sorry I got that wrong. TR402 replacement is BC557. PNP.

But I reckon you'll have an O/C pot.

C476 - hor. yoke coupler - was another common failure. Lime green block capacitor, look for a bulge in the side.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 10:19:06 PM on 6 June 2016.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

Thanks for the info Ian, will check out the items you mentioned.
Thank for circuit MonochromeTV.

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