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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 3:52:30 PM on 25 June 2012.
Redxm's avatar
 Location: Tamworth, NSW
 Member since 6 April 2012
 Member #: 1126
 Postcount: 467

Hi all,
Ben here. Ive been collecting for over 20 years and currently have about 75 radios. Consoles, timber and bakelite mantels, portables, a gramophone and an Edison red gem I restored from a rusty piece of junk about 8 years ago.
My preference seems to be portables and post war bakelites.

I was involved with Fin Stewart nearly 20 years ago kicking off the Tamworth branch of the HRSA, then later with John Carroll we stirred the Central west group into life.

My collection has numbered over 100 at times with some less interesting sets sold off, and a few good ones that I needed money for at the time. One of those was an Atwater Kent 35 with all valves and Model E speaker.
Having regret that, I have recently purchased another, although it has no valves or speaker at this stage.

Over the years my collection has been housed in garden sheds, spare rooms, a caravan and now my shed. We are currently building a dedicated radio display room off the back of the shed, its close to being finished and I can move my collection into it, leaving room in the shed for my other hobby, a 1964 XM Falcon.

For me interest comes and goes in cycles. Ive recently become active again and this will last for a couple of years, then it will be something else, But always back to the radios eventually. Now I have a decent workshop and somewhere to display them I hope my interest stays for some time to come.

Heres a couple of pictures to look at of my collection as it stands at the moment and my workbench area.





Current jobs on the bench are an 11-25 kriesler which the master Steve in WA is making me a dial scale for. An Operatic 37MA which should only need a couple more hours on it, and I recently restored a beehive that had sat in a box, pulled apart for about 7 years. I managed to make sense of it all and get it back together and going, although I still need a speaker (moth eaten) and 1 knob

Anyway, hopefully I can contribute to the forum and learn a few things on the way


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 4:47:40 PM on 25 June 2012.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
 Member #: 1
 Postcount: 7453

G'day Ben,

Welcome to the forums.

Being familiar with Tamworth, and having once lived there for a few years, I think it is unfortunate that there are no good antique shops there now. Munro's Mill, East Street Antiques and I don't remember the name of it but there was a good antique shop opposite the railway where Noel Park House now stands. I regularly haunted all those places plus a small shop in Uralla.

All those places were once sources of radios and valves for me before moving back to Sydney and shopping at specialist radio dealers like PhotoAntiques at Camperdown before Ebay came along and stole the show.

I hope to see more of you here.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 9:55:34 PM on 25 June 2012.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
 Member #: 823
 Postcount: 6805

Welcome. Is that a roll of paper I see sticking out of the port of one of those speaker boxes? A bit of country port tuning? Smile

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