Vintage valve tvs for sale
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Hi guys I recently bought a heap of old TVs from the 50s-60s and because I dont know anything about valves I'm not too keen on trying to repair them because of high voltage so ive kept 2 for me and I'm selling the rest I just dont have the room and dont know enough about them so perfect for someone that knows what there doing if you would like picks please let me know your email and ill email them. I have awa,astor,westinghouse,pye,and hmv thank you
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
Just as a clarification on the above post - B&W televisions have around 3,000 15,000 volts inside on the high tension cable leading from the tripler to the picture tube and the solid state coloured sets that came along later have something like 26,000 volts waiting for idle fingers.
Zaps from triplers always hurt and in many cases have killed technician and tinkerer alike so care is always necessary.
With the increase in the number of members who have an interest in vintage televisions it will be prudent to upgrade the disclaimer at the bottom of the website and perhaps the safety information.
If members with some experience with vintage televisions would like some input on this subject feel free to post here.
Bling, are any of your sets from 1956 or 1957, eg: have channels 1-10 on the dial instead of 0-11? If so I would be interested in discussing a purchase arrangement. 
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Ballarat, VIC
Member since 4 January 2011
Member #: 803
Postcount: 456
To elaborate on Brads post, the EHT voltage in B&W TV's is around 15 000 volts in most sets and the smaller portables still have around 10 000 volt EHT supplies. No triplers are used in the B&W sets.
Colour TV's as Brad states have 26 000 volt EHT supplies that are generated in the early models from the 1970's (and a few in the 1980's) by a voltage tripler.
While these are scary sounding voltages, they are generated by high impedence voltage sources so the current generated rarely exceeds 2 mA. This current level is below the lethal threshold but is will hurt a lot if you get zapped. These voltages can arc substantial distances if allowed so care needs to be taken when sets are running.
The main danger is the reaction to the shock. Normally you will reflex away suddenly and can cut oneself badly by dragging your arm or hand across a sharp surface. In extreme cases you may be even thrown backwards from the set.
The most dangerous part of these old TV's is the same as old valve radios - the HT supply. This is around 200 volts DC and can supply well in excess of 200 mA and is LETHAL if touched while you are earthed.
Having said all this, with sensible precautions TV's are quite safe to work on but you must be careful at all times and be aware of what you are touching.
Location: Daylesford, VIC
Member since 13 January 2011
Member #: 809
Postcount: 326
I use plastic gloves as an extra precaution, and I try to do as much as I can with the set unplugged.
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Wow I'm getting more turned off haha thank you for all your help and info good to be able to ask someone before hurting myself . and yes Brad a couple of them are 1-10 channels if you want more info I can send an email of piks and details
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
Sounds good. My e-mail address is on my profile page, just click my username to get there. I would appreciate some photos of your earlier sets and a general expected price range for each one (if possible).
I'm in Sydney but I'm due for some holidays in the next 6-8 weeks so I wouldn't mind a bit of travel. I remember driving to Caboolture once to pick up three radios.
I'd better acknowledge TV Collector too, he was right about the extra high tension in B&W sets being around the 15,000 volt mark. I don't remember now where I saw mention of 3,000 volts - perhaps it was in a CRO or a small handheld set.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Hi Brad I tried to send you an email but says delivery status failure could you send me an email to blingbling81 and ill reply thanks again
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
Test e-mail sent.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Hi Brad tried again and no luck do you have another email address or that one could be full thanks or my no is 0432039439
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
You could try chatbot - it's an account I keep for occasions like this. Not sure why you are having trouble though, all seems well with it.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
Hi Brad I tried that one too I think I'm uploading too many piks so I just added a link thanks just let me know
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
Sometimes there is a limit of 10MB of attachments per e-mail message and this can be governed by the outbound or inbound mail server. My inbound limit should be open though as I host the mail service in-house and the account is 1TB, even though I'd never use that much. 
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7465
Some nice looking tellys there. I'll have another bo-peep at the photos tonight. 
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Noosa, QLD
Member since 31 December 2010
Member #: 799
Postcount: 302
What do you think Brad do any catch your eye I'm really startin to run out of room and I found another astor today I want haha
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