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 1939 Airzone battery chassis to swap?
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 3:10:18 PM on 8 July 2017.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
 Location: Belrose, NSW
 Member since 31 December 2015
 Member #: 1844
 Postcount: 2527

Going through my stuff in the garage, I find I have a 1939 Airzone battery chassis.

It looks like it came from a "Shearer's Radio" but the wooden case was completely rotted away, as was the speaker.
The chassis itself has survived quite well. It's missing its dial glass and drum but is otherwise complete and untouched. The brown bakelite fascia is there and intact apart from being a bit grubby.

It's a dry battery dual wave chassis - 1.4v., 90v., 2 stage IF - 1A7, 1N5, 1N5, 1H5, 1Q5. Has its original US metal skirted GT octal valves. It would fit a 4 knob Radiostar cabinet for example.

I briefly considered adapting it to the console cabinet I've posted below but I'm hoping someone has a more suitable home for it!

And of course if you have a Shearer's Radio cabinet (or could make one) AND an early 30's autodyne chassis then we should talk!!

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