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 Beale console circuit wanted
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 9:02:23 PM on 8 December 2013.
Gandhn's Gravatar
 Location: Cameron Park, NSW
 Member since 5 November 2010
 Member #: 770
 Postcount: 414

Hi folks
I have just acquired a Beale console from about 1936/37 and cannot find a model number either on the set or in any of the reference books I have.
I heard that the chassis was made by Breville and the Breville model 70 has exactly the dial and knob placement, but more importantly, has the same valve line up. Interesting that it uses an E444 as the IF amplifier, an 80 rectifier and a couple of 6V heater valves, requiring 3 different heater supplies, (the E444 is a 4V valve).
Does anyone have a clue as to the Beale model number or a circuit for either the Beale or the Breville model 70?
The valve line up is AK2, 6K7, E444, 6F6 and 80.
Thanks for looking

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 8:53:33 AM on 9 December 2013.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
 Member #: 438
 Postcount: 5474

Beale made very few sets, they were Piano & cabinet makers, the majority of chassis were someone else's.

You would have to compare the Breville circuit to what you have and there are more than that model of Breville with those valves.

AK2, Converter
6K7, 1st RF (Pentode)
E444, Detector (single diode) RF amp (Tetrode)
6F6; Audio Output
80; Rectifier

You will note comment on placing the finger on the top cap of the detector valve to see if it buzzes / hums: Indicating audio is possibly working.

With E444 not recommended: TC is Anode (Bites)

Without checking things before hand, turning it on to see if it goes, can have nasty ramifications.

Kevin Chant's site has the circuit for Breville Mod 69 that has the same valve lineup.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 9:48:43 AM on 9 December 2013.
Gandhn's Gravatar
 Location: Cameron Park, NSW
 Member since 5 November 2010
 Member #: 770
 Postcount: 414

Thanks Marcc
I looked at Kevin's site yesterday, before posting here and completely missed seeing the Breville 70 info. I must have been having a seniors moment!
The 69 is a broadcast only version and the 70 is the dual wave version and that is what I have.
Now my only question is to establish what the Beale model number is as there are no identifiers on the chassis or cabinet. The dial escutcheon is the only Beale branded item I can see.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 11:40:50 AM on 9 December 2013.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
 Member #: 438
 Postcount: 5474

In the absence of other data the 69 chassis may not be that different.

If it has any form of AGC / AVC I would need to see the info on the Pentagrid. most do not have AGC on SW as it destabilises. Having said that 6SA7 does not have that problem, as it is built very differently that the others

All that you may have is an extra wave change switch, & 2 more coils?


 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 12:17:41 PM on 9 December 2013.
Gandhn's Gravatar
 Location: Cameron Park, NSW
 Member since 5 November 2010
 Member #: 770
 Postcount: 414

Mine is definitely the Breville 70 chassis. The reason I didn't see it on Kev's site is that he only posted it last night at about 2 am Sydney time.
He saw my request and posted it immediately for me. A true gentleman!

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 8:34:27 PM on 9 December 2013.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
 Member #: 438
 Postcount: 5474

I have sent Kevin a few of the circuits that I have not found in the common locations, or are test equipment, which is often rare data.


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