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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 2:13:22 AM on 7 June 2015.
Raykelly's Gravatar
 Location: Narre Warren, VIC
 Member since 1 April 2013
 Member #: 1322
 Postcount: 16

HI gentleman I just acquired a Leader LSG 20 RFsignal generator as always when ever I acquire a piece of equipment there is no information.
This applies to this unit as well .CAN ANY ONE HELP ME WITH A MANUAL/CIRCUIT,
Ray Kelly #2

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 4:33:27 PM on 13 June 2015.
DJ Oz's avatar
 Location: Central Coast, NSW
 Member since 18 April 2014
 Member #: 1554
 Postcount: 215

G'day Ray well I did a bit of goggling and couldn't find anything really on a Model 20....sure its 20?

I dont know what level your at mate and more so noob here myself on Valve Tech
(thought you do have HRSA there)

I guess photos might help but do you have specific problem with it? or is this just out of for prosperities sake, so you have the info (always a good idea)

There is a 10 11 that seems quite popular

and I think later 16/ 17 units.

I dont think they are really overly redesigned unless its a technology switch so an earlier models information might well be close enough.

pretty much I doubt the building blocks changed much in how they work & are all the same more or less, well till digital rolled into town...

Thought you could be talking about a higher tech unit with more bells and whistles and more complicated add on circuitry.

BAMA (if you aren't aware of them)

Nostalgia Air I think it are good sources for manuals and schematics, thought some manuals dont have schematics in them.

I cant even find an image of a LSG 20...thought the number seems logical...17 is the last I find

Anyway hope its of some help.

Cheers Smile

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 8:39:06 PM on 16 June 2015.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
 Member #: 438
 Postcount: 5357

Dick Smith sold a Tech TED_20 which is a clone of LSG - 11?

If the number is that high its likely Transistor. I think there was an audio generator around Model 27 so something with lesser numbers is possible?

Photo may help?


 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 9:59:54 AM on 2 July 2015.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
 Member #: 438
 Postcount: 5357

Is it possible to post what is in it... perhaps a photo.

They all work in a similar manner. The only difference with my clone & LSG-11 is the later has a blocking cap built in. Both used a stupid voltage and I have a feeling that one of these had a cap from mains to metal case, with no ground.

I have seen several instruments like that & many American chasses: Downright dangerous as far as I am concerned.


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