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 AVO model VCM163. Yours right now for $4K (plus p&p)
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 7:21:31 PM on 19 January 2014.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
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 Postcount: 6750

There's an AVO model VCM163 on eBay Oz at the moment with starting bid at $1,500 and a buy it now price of $4,000.

Depending on condition I've seen AVO Mk3s go for around the $800 mark.

As I understand it, the VCM163 was the last of the AVO valve testers and is considered their best.

Not sure I'd be willing to fork out $4,000 on one myself.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 8:59:13 PM on 19 January 2014.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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$150 for postage? I think the most I've ever charged for postage was $71 and the item weighed about 17kg and was sent registered with signature required.

It looks like a good machine but yeah - I have better things to spend $4,000.00 on. I'd rather blow that sort of money on more radios.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 9:01:10 PM on 19 January 2014.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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If I bought that particular AVO for the sort of money being asked, I think I'd be travelling to Tassie to collect it. Do the tourist thing while I'm there.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 2:32:01 PM on 31 January 2014.
Wa2ise's avatar
 Location: Oradell, US
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Watch out for this guy if you go to Tasmania... Smile

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 9:10:35 PM on 31 January 2014.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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They don't really spin around like that but they do make that noise and they have lousy table manners, content with fighting over a morsel of food the size of a dice.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 10:37:01 PM on 31 January 2014.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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They are in danger of being wiped out by a facial cancer that is endemic:


 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 5:11:51 PM on 8 February 2014.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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Sold for $2,375.00 (14 bids)

 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 2:18:02 AM on 22 April 2014.
DJ Oz's avatar
 Location: Central Coast, NSW
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I seen one of them for sale on ebay a few years back
it was like a quarter that price or less looked in good nick..seem all on Ebay are way expensive these days

love one but not going to pay a kings ransom for one

there a kit thing from the UK you tailor your self thats not so expensive..thought not so cheap either

Still if he wrote the software right it would probably be very accurate..

 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 11:53:18 PM on 8 August 2016.
Jeff's Gravatar
 Location: Canberra, ACT
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Digging up an old thread I know, but how much better is the one we are talking about, compared to the AVO Mk3? Seems there's plenty of them around.

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