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 R. A. Ratcliffe manufacturer info. wanted.
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 1:56:04 PM on 12 August 2017.
Sirwin's avatar
 Location: Beechmont, QLD
 Member since 10 April 2009
 Member #: 465
 Postcount: 109

Hi all.

Has anyone heard of, or have any information on an instrument manufacturer called R. A. Ratcliffe? I have a signal generator model 200 made by him, and a fellow collector has a model 205. My unit is very well designed and made.

There was an R. A. Ratcliff (no "e") who worked for Tasma, at least just after the war. Same person, I wonder?

Any other of his instruments out there? I did see one at an auction a few years ago.

Cheers, Stuart

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