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 Another 'Barry Crocker' of a parcel delivery
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 31 · Written at 10:16:30 PM on 28 April 2016.
Wirelessvalve's Gravatar
 Location: Tennant Creek, NT
 Member since 23 April 2016
 Member #: 1913
 Postcount: 17

When I used to work at a Retravision retail shop/workshop in Hamilton, Vic during the 1970s, one afternoon the local delivery truck turned up carrying the freight from the railway station, among the several items, there was a large carton inside a skeleton timber crate, it was a Kelvinator fridge, the crate was intact and undamaged, there were no marks on the cardboard box inside, you could see the cardboard without disturbing the crate..

As I was the only one present at the time, all the other staff were out on deliveries, service calls etc, so muggins had to sign the delivery docket.
Always a bit scary for a 16 year old apprentice!!
Imagine the surprise when one of the bosses was preparing it for deliver ( we always gave them a run to make sure they worked) removed the crate and lifted off the large cardboard box, remembering these items were clearly undamaged!!!!!
There was a large stab hole in the side of the fridge's cabinet approx 6" wide and about 1" high and there was a large similarly sized outwards dent on the opposite side....!!! even the plastic bag was undamaged.
Plastic bags had just started to be used back then.

The hole was roughly the same shape as a forklift blade!!!!

The boss and I had come to the conclusion that this fridge was a victim of a demolition derby gone wrong inside the warehouse in Melbourne, and had been repacked with the correct outer label showing the brand name, manufacturer, model # and the correct serial #....

I bet the forklift driver and the warehouse staff probably were discussing and trying to cover up their mister-meaner... "yeah lets send it up to the country and no one will notice" "we will be off the hook" "they will think the railways damaged it"
Well the other boss that took care of the admin side of things, phoned up the fridge supplier, those days it was the actual manufacturer..!!
Their response was to "blame the railways" "put a claim in against the railways" ...tried to fob off the boss..

The boss was having none of that, of course, so next week he drove the 180 miles to Melbourne and went to see the managing director.
the word CEO had not been invented then.... Mind you with the value of a fridge then, it was worth it,
Remembering that a fridge in the '70 was more than 12 weeks wages...!!!!!
The end result was that a replacement fridge duly arrived.......
The moral to the story was the villains were ducking for cover.........
Nowdays you can buy a fridge in one weeks wages.... I seem to recall colour TVs were similarly priced, now you can buy 10 TVs in a weeks wages, comparing screen size to screen size....!!

What would a 32" flat screen set be worth today if TV;s had followed motor car pricing.. probably about $25,000.00...!!!
We would all still be repairing them........But I digress..........

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