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 Airzone Midget - mottled pink
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 7:08:30 PM on 21 August 2008.
PLH39's Gravatar
 Location: Sydney , NSW
 Member since 13 June 2008
 Member #: 299
 Postcount: 20

HI, I have the opportunity to buy a Mottled pink Airzone Midget that works, however it needs a good clean new knobs, capacitors etc. Any idea what would be a fair price and where can you get the correct knobs?

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:22:27 PM on 21 August 2008.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7451

If it is something like the one below then it will be worth a fair bit once restored - between $500 and $600 is a fair guess. Don't expect knobs for it to be easy to find though. As far as this model goes the mottled pink isn't rare. I've seen about five of these myself so there'd be quite a few around the place. Your best bet may be someone in one of the vintage radio clubs or someone who makes replicas.

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 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 10:11:50 AM on 22 August 2008.
PLH39's Gravatar
 Location: Sydney , NSW
 Member since 13 June 2008
 Member #: 299
 Postcount: 20

Brad, appreciate the feedback. The one in the photo looks great. The one I can buy seems to have more mottled yellow patches. I will probably wait to see if I souce the knobs first. I already have enough radios and Old clocks at the moment to keep me busy.

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