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 Spaghetti Tubing
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 10:47:39 AM on 24 March 2013.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

Does anyone know if you can still buy the old type spaghetti tubing, it is like a woven tube with a sort of wax or gloss finish. I have used it years ago and have some odd pieces here somewhere.??

This mystery radio chassis I am working on has all the copper wires covered in it. I guess you could say who is going to see it, and you are right, but some of the wires come out of the chassis to coils and valve tops also.
It is not heat shrink or PVC tubing.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 11:42:11 AM on 24 March 2013.
Redxm's avatar
 Location: Tamworth, NSW
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Dick Smith used to sell it. I still have a couple of packs of it. Some of the bright colours however, do look out of place. Jaycar list it, but I think its the PVC type.

Steve Savell has it.
Fibreglass sleeving- in yellow and black ! --Kit of 3 types sizes -special price 1 metre piece of each type $4.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 10:09:12 AM on 25 March 2013.
Wa2ise's avatar
 Location: Oradell, US
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I've seen it used inside compact florescent lamps (CFLs, substitute for incandescent light bulbs). I've taken these things apart after they die. Some good stuff to salvage inside them, though the filter caps may have led a hard life. So test them.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 10:13:51 AM on 25 March 2013.
Chris Ronayne's avatar
 Location: Wauchope, NSW
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Yeah, CFLs have a nice little PCB inside, with some good components. As Wa2ise said, I have found they they use spaghetti tubing inside as well, though if memory serves me right, it's only a short length on each lead of the main electrolytic cap, and two slightly longer leads on the wires that connect the tube to the PCB.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 7:05:46 PM on 25 March 2013.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

This is sort what I am after:
Fiberglass Sleeving/

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 7:39:35 PM on 2 April 2013.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

Bought some fibreglass sleeving from Steve, just what I wanted, the three sizes are perfect.
The yellow and black are the same as the link above.

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