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 National Radio and Phono Fest
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 16 · Written at 12:03:08 PM on 10 June 2012.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7306

This update brings further bad news unfortunately.

I wrote back to the President of the HRSA repeating the questions I asked almost two weeks ago and, again, I have not received a response.

I won't waste any more time trying to converse with the HRSA on the subject of the National Radio and Phono Fest as co-operation seems to be too much to ask of its President.

I can only assume that the HRSA want to cocoon the Radio Fest as a member-only event as per the questions I have received from people in the last month or so. If this is the case then this is a fairly brazen display of belligerence on the part of the HRSA, who seem like they want to run an event as the exclusion of a majority of collectors. The lack of communication from the HRSA is a disgrace. If the Society's aims are the preservation of all radio receivers then they would be far more forthcoming with Radio Fest information. Nothing was held back in previous years. Why the big change?

Please note that my grievance is with the Society itself and its President, not HRSA members who have no involvement with what is going on. I've received some correspondence via e-mail from a few HRSA members who I will not name here, suffice to say they agree with my attempts to extract information from the HRSA regarding the Radio Fest.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 17 · Written at 11:58:57 AM on 12 June 2012.
Steve's Gravatar
 Location: Donald, VIC
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G'day Brad I thought mate thats the responses you would receive, certainly its not the general populous of members its the 6/ 10 at the top ( they watched to many re - runs of Ben Hur ) they think they are running Rome in 240 BC = totally lost the plot ~!

As proven - the actual ones at the top , do not have the radio peoples visions at heart - you have to wonder what their actual agenda is ? what are they their for ? they take the members monies & give them zero in return - only a dictation ~! { and the echo of black jack boots }

Maybe even a few strains of the WW2 Axis marching song Panzerlied lol lol ---''Robert Shaw in Battle of the Bulge said ''sing Conrad sing ''}}}}

I must admit when I did the History work overseas in 2005 to 2008, I was asked several times by head Honchos of Euro radio clubs ''they asked your not in with that mob at the top'' that runs thats Society called HRSA are you?

I replied ''well no'' why do you ask ''? ohh you know they replied err / umm no real reason { it's just that we hear things about the Society that tend to enlighten us to Australia's Convict Past }

I was really uncomfortable - the HRSA itself ''its got no good name overseas))) '' il tell you that for free ! There is no free ice cream at the mention of the name))) you know --just a long drawn out frown!

So there end's the saga of Fortress Melbourne '' and the ''old boys club, because as is proven, it's certainly alive and well !

Appears that we whom do ''not belong to the Purple Circle '' will have to sit in adjacent park with binoculars to view the events !

However I do have an idea, which I have put to several guys, and its been widely excepted ---we will be their - but not in same building as ''Club Melbourne''

More on that later --over and out !


 Return to top of page · Post #: 18 · Written at 6:28:30 PM on 12 June 2012.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7306

G'day Steve,

A week or so ago I did a search for any bad press but came up with nought although I wasn't too surprised because even though there are obviously problems, based on what I have been shown by a few people, people would understandably be reluctant to make any direct allegations for fear of reprisals.

As I promised those who supplied me with information, I will keep what given to me to myself though it is definitely material that would singe the nosehairs of anyone reading it.

If there is a competing 'radio fest/car boot sale/flea market, etc etc' at around the same time as the Radio Fest then I will try to attend. I should have my tax refund by then so it shouldn't be difficult to prepare a warchest. Smile

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 19 · Written at 8:12:24 PM on 18 November 2012.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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The associated "closed to members only" HRSA Auction was broadcast on ABC1 tonight on the Auction Room program and as you will see it bombed pretty badly with a very high non-sell rate, and some quite embarrassing procedural errors, plus some officious hero telling program host Gordon Brown to be quiet, LOL!

Here's the iView link:


 Return to top of page · Post #: 20 · Written at 11:20:18 PM on 18 November 2012.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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As a veteran of many auctions, mainly at clearing sales in country NSW, I think it is acceptable for low-volume idle chatter between bidders providing the auctioneer can be heard over it. I would have told whoever that was to take a running jump.

As for Mike Osborne's appraisal of the auction, I think he was too kind. I like auctions to get adrenaline going. That auction was like a church service and as Gordon Brown said, two thirds of the lots were passed in because of the HRSA's blanket refusal to allow guests to participate on the day.

It would be understandable for club members to derive some sort of an advantage from their membership however what the HRSA have done with the Radio Fest this year is nothing short of a disgrace.

1. The Radio Fest should revert to its previous format, covering radios, gramophones and phonographs, signs, books, audio and video presentations and spare parts.

2. The event should be shifted back to Canberra where it belongs.

3. Events should be open to everyone. If non-members are charged a small fee then so be it but no-one should be excluded.

Whilst I am certainly no billionaire, I would have bid on quite a few of the lots that were passed in and from my experience at other auctions I know for a fact that others would have too. If the HRSA weren't so arrogant on this their members would have been far better served. The last auction I attended every single radio was sold, good bad or otherwise.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 21 · Written at 11:39:06 PM on 18 November 2012.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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The silly old goose who hassled Gordon ought to have been aware that the format of Auction Room requires him to speak to the camera and to his "guests" who sit beside him during the auction. Perhaps the 6pm air time of the program is past his bedtime.

As you saw, Gordon told him flatly that he will not be quiet. The goose can consider himself lucky that his face wasn't broadcast to the nation.

Frankly, were I involved in any part of that auction I'd hand in my resignation out of embarrassment.

And, after that debacle, I suspect that there will be a return to the familiar format in future years.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 22 · Written at 5:36:14 PM on 19 November 2012.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7306

And, after that debacle, I suspect that there will be a return to the familiar format in future years.

I've been quite critical about what's happened this year and it probably shows in previous posts though thinking positively about it I am hoping you are right. Collecting, restoring and trading radios shouldn't be exclusive to a particular group, especially with an event like this. Let's hope it's been a learning experience and the whole nation can get involved with the next one. Smile

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

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