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 Kelvinator 22k11 Dial Glass Re-Print ?
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 10:25:59 PM on 28 August 2011.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

I am wanting to make a new dial glass (plastic) for my Kelvinator 22K11. Is there a plastic film that can be printed on using a computer printer??
The dial on my web site is from my HMV 22-11, only difference is the writing on the bottom, the one I want to make will have KELVINATOR AUSTRALIA LIMITED.
See here:



 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:54:13 PM on 28 August 2011.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
 Member #: 823
 Postcount: 6803

There is transparent film for overhead projectors that can be used in laser and ink jet printers. Here's one brand:


There are cheaper brands on eBay.

Note: you need to confirm that your particular printer can handle such film.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 11:10:11 PM on 28 August 2011.
Airzone's Gravatar
 Location: Maclean, NSW
 Member since 30 May 2008
 Member #: 291
 Postcount: 341

Thanks GTC, will give it a go.

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