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Clearatone radio
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Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 5 January 2009
Member #: 410
Postcount: 61
I'm looking for symatics for a small mantle radio made by The Clearatone Radio Company of Stanley Terrace, East Brisbane, which I think was manufactured around 1934.
Unfortunately there is no model or serial number on the radio, but the valves used are 6J8, EL36, 5Y3, and 6B6 if that's any help.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5474
That combination is unusual and is not consistent with a set that early, Very late 30's 40's more likely.
Could be a "Badged" set? If it has an ARTS&P label that may help.
6J8 is normally a shortwave valve. Is it a SW set?
I would have expected 6B8 if it's reflexed?
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 5 January 2009
Member #: 410
Postcount: 61
You may well be right about the date.
I drew my 1934 conclussion from Art Courtney's online manufacturers list, which has Clearatone as manufacturing during 1934 & 1935.
Clearatone also advertised almost daily in Brisbane's Courier Mail, from January 1934 until April 1934, but then never advertised again, so I assumed they must have gone broke, and the dates in Art's pdf file must have been fairly accurate.
Unfortunately, there is no ARTS&P on this one, only a red and black paper "high voltage" label with the companies name & address.
Then again, the valves that are in it now, may not be the correct valves.
I got the radio from a friends grandfathers shed, and my friends uncle was an electronics repairman from the 70's into the 90's, so he could have done ANYTHING to it over the years lol. It certainly appears to have had a rough life (inside & out).
I cant even question the uncle about the radio, as he now has Huntingtons disease, so I doubt he'd remember much about it.
The radio only has 2 knobs for volume & tuning, so it's not SW, unless it was changed over from MW to SW at some stage.
The other valves all retain the original white ID numbers on the glass, but the "6J8" does not.. I found that number scratched into the bakelite base, so it may not even be an actual 6J8 valve for all I know
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5474
Unless its an American Chassis I would expect 6 or 7 pin valves pre war, albeit during the war there was a lot of chopping & changing, plus a tendency to use Philips valves.
Original converter was possibly 6A7 which may have been changed to 6A8 (same animal: different base). 6A8 & 6J8 will tend to work in the same hole, however, (especially with Astor JJ) that canchange the bandspread, for one.
Check to see if the sockets have metal threads rather than rivets. That can indicate socket changes.
Also check the pinouts of the 6B6. I smell a rat here. Check pin 6 of the socket. If there is a wire that connects it to pin 4 of the 6J8 fair bet I am right. Sometimes a spare pin is also used as a tag.
6B6 and 6B8 are pin for pin the same except for pin 6. As 6B6 is a triode Double diode pin 6 is NC. 6B8 is a Pentode double diode & pin 6 is the screen. Hence my previous comment.
If the 6J8 is not one of the really black ones? shine strong light through it. If under the main body there is a small rectangular plate (similar to 6B6), it is liable to be a 6J8 as 6A8 does not have that (it's the triode).
6J8 is a triode / hexode, 6A8 a heptode.
We may have to reverse engineer this one to find out what it was?
Beware donot plug it in and EL36 should have a top cap. if so it's the plate and will bite.
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