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 Went to an Interesting place today
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 16 · Written at 7:02:41 AM on 27 April 2020.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
 Member since 10 May 2013
 Member #: 1340
 Postcount: 977

"Teak and Tweed"
Had never seen an example of this before, did not know it had a name Smile

I think the Ampex is considered just about as good as that genre of product gets. Seller said he had listed it for $1200 (before corona?) and no takers.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 17 · Written at 7:18:33 AM on 27 April 2020.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
 Member since 10 May 2013
 Member #: 1340
 Postcount: 977

"The sets in the US that I lust after are the colour TV "Roundies".

All told I'd found 8 of those, including two rare 1954 ones, spent only a couple of hundred in total, fixed a few, sold them all eventually, "got it out of my system" Smile so to speak, felt the market was narrowing. Now post-corona economy not going to help, but will create bargains Smile

 Return to top of page · Post #: 18 · Written at 9:09:01 AM on 27 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Oddly There have been these for Sale Ads about the place . Mainly FB where in the Ad the seller states " This is the price and I'm not going to come down in these hard times "" Lets hope he has lots of storage because money is getting very tight with so many people are losing their jobs .Plus there is an uncertainty feeling in the world and that stops spending. That particular Ad I quoted was for a Stereogram which was way overpriced.


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