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New site moderation staff
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Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7451
A couple of months ago I made a mention of an intention to appoint a couple of people to watch over the site for the purpose of removing or editing comments that breach the site's guidelines however other things managed to get in the road of this however the need appears to still exist for this so as of today there will be two moderation staff on the site until further notice. Their usernames are Praetor and RadioMania. The former has been a member for a while and has acted for me when I have been away. The latter I have asked to sign up tonight so they have the required access.
Now, neither of these people collect, restore or have anything else to do with vintage radio. Because of this they are not likely to participate in any discussions. They are here to act in a neutral manner and pretty much do things the way I have done for nearly twenty years on the forums I have owned and/or managed - let anything borderline go but drop the hammer on anything really bad. Whilst I will always reserve the right to have the last say on any matter I will generally support any decision made by these people and will not make a habit of over-ruling anything they do.
One thing I need to stress is that, like the rest of us, they are not here 24/7 and they do have their own lives to lead. If there is an adverse event on the forums just rest assured that it will be dealt with. There is no way to guarantee that there will be an instant response, even though I agree that this is the most desired outcome.
There have been a few heated arguments of late and I have tried to be fair to everyone by not getting involved until such action was desperately needed. With this I will simply remind everyone of what we are here for - to promote and participate in any or all the aspects of vintage radio repair, restoration and collecting and indeed the study of the history of the radio broadcasting industry. It goes without saying that with any group of people there will be strong personalities and sometimes there will be disagreements on certain matters. What is required now is a commitment to let cool heads prevail.
My next addition to this site is something I started a long time ago but never managed to finish and that is a reporting system for any submitted content that is not in keeping with the Acceptable Use Policy. I would like to complete and commission this as soon as possible, so expect it in the next week or two. As for any other additions to the site - all are on hold for the time being due to other commitments.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Auckland, NZ
Member since 14 May 2017
Member #: 2108
Postcount: 8
Thank you for the excellent work you are doing and the prompt uploading of photos etc.
I know how much time can be spent maintaining a site especially when you have other commitments.
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