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Written at 15:16:44 on Saturday, 2nd December, 2017. 

Service Directory Listings

New South Wales

Duncan McDonald

Services: Service & Repairs to all Vintage Valve Radio and Vintage Electronic Equipment.
Restoration to all types of collectable radio's, including Mantle,Console & Car Radio sets.
Serviced using original type of components which compliment the era of manufacture. Many replacement valves available.
Serviced by a fully qualified radio technician- all work guaranteed.
E-mail: oldvalves.hotmail.com
Phone number: 0427 015 662.

Element 14

72 Ferndell Street,
Chester Hill, NSW 2162.

Services: Engineering, electrical and electronic supplies.
Website: http://au.element14.com/
E-mail: au-sales.element14.com
Phone number: 1300 361 005.
Fax number: 1300 361 225.

Hadley Records

18 Panorama Road,
Tamworth, NSW 2340.

Services: Valve sales.
Website: http://users.tpg.com.au/users/hadrecs/

Peters Reproduction Dial Covers

103A Beardy Street,
Armidale, NSW 2350.

Services: Reproduction Dial Covers.
E-mail: reprodialcover.hotmail.com
Phone number: 0425 240 896.


2 Burwood Street,
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650.

Services: Repairs, Restorations, Sales of spare parts.
Website: http://retrovox.com.au/
E-mail: orderinfo.retrovox.com.au
Phone number: 02 6925 0508.
Fax number: 02 6925 0509.

Valve Electronics

PO Box 324,
Batemans Bay, NSW 2536.

Services: Repairs, Restorations, Sales of spare parts, books and circuit diagrams, Custom build.
Website: http://www.electronvalve.com.au/
E-mail: akay5507.yahoo.com.au

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519 Brunswick Street,
North Fitzroy, VIC 3068.

Services: Valve sales.
Website: http://www.audiophile.com.au/
E-mail: info.audiophile.com.au
Phone number: 03 9489 4864.

Australian Electric Valve Importers Pty Ltd

Factory 2,
22 Michellan Court,
Bayswater, VIC 3153.

PO Box 1001,
Bayswater, VIC 3153.

Services: Valve sales.
Phone number: 03 9720 8730.

David Browne

Services: Transformer, choke and loudspeaker field coil rewinding.
Website: http://www.transformerrewind.com.au/
E-mail: dmbrowne.netspace.net.au
Phone number: 0427 044 130.

Giles Audio

18 Carlyle Street,
Ashwood, VIC 3147.

Services: Repairs.
Website: Not supplied.
Phone number: 03 9885 9134.
Fax number: 03 9885 9134.

Radio Revival Parts

Services: Sales of radios, books and spare parts.
Website: http://radiorevivalparts.com/
E-mail: savell.steve3.gmail.com
Phone number: 0415 311 837.

Resurrection Radio

275 Lawrence Rd,
Mt Waverley, VIC 3149.

Services: Repairs, Restorations, Sales of radios, books and spare parts.
Website: http://resurrectionradio.com.au/
E-mail: resradio1.bigpond.com
Phone number: 03 9886 4110.

Silver Springs

Services: Spare parts (mainly fabricated and machined metal parts and radio chassis).
Website: http://silversprings.net.au/
E-mail: tony.silversprings.net.au
Phone number: 0411 144 447.

Vintage And Valve Radio Repairs

161 Separation Street,
Geelong North, VIC 3215.

Services: Repairs.
Phone number: 03 5272 2649.

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Services: Valve and book sales.
Website: http://www.evatco.com.au/
E-mail: info.evatco.com.au
Phone number: 1800 382 826.

PO Box 7245,
East Brisbane, QLD 4169.

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South Australia

No entries supplied at this time.

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Western Australia

Leisure & Sound Doctor

Services: Repair and restoration of jukeboxes, radiograms, valve radios, television and general electronic repairs
E-mail: jukebox.iinet.net.au
Phone number: 0419 909 094.

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No entries supplied at this time.

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Northern Territory

No entries supplied at this time.

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Australian Capital Territory

No entries supplied at this time.

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Updated at 22:14:30 on the 8th December, 2023.