Airzone Radio Model 526
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Location: Mudgee, NSW
Member since 7 March 2011
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Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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STC830, I converted some of your text to links to make life a bit easier. This includes a link to my e-mail on a members-only page to assist with spam protection. 
Wokii, As STC830 mentioned, feel free to e-mail me anything you'd like included in your post. I generally add photos within a day though this can take longer on the odd occasion.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
Member #: 442
Postcount: 145
Hi Wokii,
A picture of the Airzone 528 appears in John Stokes More Golden Age of Radio page 23. This unit has the 526 chassis.
An entry in the AORSM for 1937 page 21 contains the circuit.
If you can open your email address on your profile page, I'll
send you a copy of the circuit.
Cheers, Graham...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6797
As STC830 mentioned, the model 568 of 1936 data seems to match the tube set given in the chassis layout photo.
That Airzone tube set is also found on, but alas no photo, although it does give the circuit schematic (which paid up members can see -- I'm not paid up).
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6797
"A picture of the Airzone 528 appears in John Stokes More Golden Age of Radio page 23. This unit has the 526 chassis.
An entry in the AORSM for 1937 page 21 contains the circuit."
I have AORSM on CD, which I was given to understand is the equivalent of the complete set of 14 volumes, but I don't seem to have the page you refer to.
Is it indexed as Model 528?
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
Member #: 442
Postcount: 145
G'day GTC,
If you search for model 516, it will appear on page 21.
The circuit on this page is the same as the 526 with a different valve lineup.
Now skip forward to page 25 where you will find a note on the valves used in the 526 together with the voltages and current for their electrodes.
When several models have the same circuit, the search function will only find the first model mentioned.
As an example, search for an AWA Radiola model 617T and you will find the page which is for a 617T and 719C circuit. Now search for a 719C and you will not get any hits.
Can be frustrating at times-
Cheers, Graham...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6797
Thanks, mate.
Yes, I did notice on the bottom of page 21 the reference to page 25, however I think I'm getting confused between their chassis and model numbers.
Page 25 of AORSM mentions Model 526, not model 528.
I wonder if Airzone employees of the day were similarly confused with that crazy numbering scheme?
One of these days I might work my way through and create a comprehensive index.
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