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Overdue introduction
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Location: Mount Lawley, WA
Member since 12 September 2017
Member #: 2167
Postcount: 49
I've been following this forum for several years but never got around to introducing myself. Now that I'm semi-retired or under employed, I finally have got around to it.
I was a petroleum geologist and migrated to Australia in 1983. I developed an interest in radio/TV/electronics in my teens.
I was considering studying electronic engineering at university (mid 70s) but was put off that course of study by the school careers adviser who said "why do you want to do that? We've got colour television now. Maybe you should look at something with more of a future!". Sage advice? I didn't know any better and followed her advice. Only years later I found out that careers advisers were generally failed teachers .
As a teenager I used buy old ex-rental TV sets at auction, clean them up and on sell them to family & family friends as second sets. Most of these were 405 standard only. I then developed an interest in long distance Television - much to the fascination of the neighbours amazed by rotating TV antennas and watching Spanish bullfights on my TVs.
Went off to university and studied geology and then moved overseas. Began dabbling with early computers - I had a BBC micro with 128Kb of memory (I still have it).
In the late 80's got back into radio and studied for the AOCP by correspondence course whilst working on exploration drilling rigs in the Cooper Basin. I really enjoyed building all those DSE kits 80m Txvr, 2m power amplifier (even a teletext decoder).
I was first licensed as VK5KAG and 6-12 months later as VK5VB. I moved to Perth in 1990 (as VK6CPU).
I bought a garage load of old radios & spares from some one in Albany in 1993 ish with the intention of working on them. Times changed and they remained in the shed/garage/storage until this year - when freed from the shackles of employment, I've had time to start work on them.
I've forgotten most of the theory I learnt for the AOCP but really enjoying rediscovering basic electronics and working on these old sets!
I've also renewed my amateur licence after a lapse of over a decade - main interests are VHF (6m).
All the best
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6780
A belated welcome to V-R.
VK6CPU -- great call sign for a computer dabbler.
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