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 An AWA? Intro and memories
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 7:19:57 PM on 13 March 2018.
Otherunicorn's Gravatar
 Location: Emerald, VIC
 Member since 3 March 2018
 Member #: 2221
 Postcount: 5

It's about time I introduced myself.
I've played around with, owned and disposed of many radios and TVs in my time. The guts of dead TVs were my favourite gifts as a child. I've had a few live ones too. I wanted one for computer monitor back in the 80's, and my boss, a TV repairman, told me he had one for me - a set left by a customer who did not wish to proceed with repairs. All it was missing was a small piece of glass. Yes, that piece of glass. Apparently the customer had broken the channel selector knob and removed the back of the set to fix it himself, and knocked the tip of the picture tube off in the process. The set was a 12" solid state B&W Philips.
I had been attempting to revive an old GE 12" valve set in his (abandoned) garage workshop. Instead, I pulled the tube from that and put in in the Philips. Apart from the wrong heater voltage, it actually worked. Moving the heater to a different tap on the transformer fixed that.
Prior to that set I had an old Healing my uncle (also a TV repair man) had given me. All tube, metal case, and was rather heavy. It wasn't a particularly good set.

The set that has my interest at the moment is the first set my family ever had. It was old when we got it, in 1965, given to us by the same uncle. It was replaced as soon as a new Aster Royal could be purchased.
What I remember about this set is that it was a console model, was very dark brown, perhaps chocolate in colour and had gold trim. The lower section was gold mesh or speaker cloth. The middle section contained larger controls to the left and right, perhaps with three in the middle I was not allowed to touch. The tube, of course, occupied the top section. And on top was one of those woeful coiled aluminium indoor antennas.
So, if you have read this far, and are familiar with TVs, you may have come to the same conclusion I have. It may have been a 1956 AWA Radiola Deep Image set. Of course there are very few of these sets about now, and ever fewer pictures on the internet for me to accurately identify it. Of the few have seen, one is gutted, and the other is a fish tank. Neither is the colour I remember.
Well, that's enough prattling. If you have pictures of such a set, please let me know.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:54:42 PM on 13 March 2018.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
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