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Location: Curl Curl, NSW
Member since 17 April 2017
Member #: 2094
Postcount: 1
Hi We are cleaning up in Sydney to move north to QLD and I found my Grandfathers old valve radio under the house. It worked when it was stored 30 years ago but I'm not game to turn it on now!!!. Not sure what year it is but it is only in average condition. The label on the back is "Selex Transfers" ? W Green and Sons Pty Ltd Melbourne. C3651. The timber housing is also numbered. 666-15169. I have some photos but not sure how to post. If you can help with finding a new home it would be appreciated otherwise it is off to the tip. Cheers Roger.
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2097
Email photos to Brad. I'd be interested if it's not too large.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7425
Good policy about not turning on old appliances.
The power cord isn't in a good state and the power switch was added by someone other than the manufacturer. When the radio is restored that switch should be removed and either the set returned to not having one (most valves radios of the period didn't have a power switch) or a new one installed which is combined with the volume control.
The C prefix on the serial number indicates that the radio was made in 1936. The brand seems to be written on the tuning dial but cannot be made out in the photo. I've sent a reply e-mail asking what the word behind the dial pointer is as this is most likely the brand of the set. Alternatively you can simply post that information here.
The radio is a typical six valve set of the time, a rectifier valve, power amplifier valve, a magic eye tuning indicator and three valves for the actual radio circuit. The latter three valves, located on the right of the chassis and covered in the gold paint appear to be P-base valves, with the remainder being the more conventional four and six pin ones.
The number stamped into the cabinet is the cabinet maker's serial number. If this set was made by a smaller manufacturer or is a 'store brand' the radio's chassis was often made by a leading manufacturer with the cabinet made by a different company such as Ricketts and Thorpe or Beale. The style of cabinet was typical of Airzone's receivers of the same year.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
Member #: 1009
Postcount: 1212
This radio looks like a Howard..
Howard Electrical & Radio Co. were at Vere St, Richmond, Melbourne.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7425
The thick retro dial escutcheon is a bit Howardish, yep. The half octagonal tuning dial, I've seen in other consoles but with the dial escutcheon conforming to the same shape. The brand escapes me though.
Update: MonochromeTV is correct. I just received an e-mail with a photo of the dialup close. This has been added to the original post.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Penrith, NSW
Member since 7 April 2012
Member #: 1128
Postcount: 392
Definitely a Howard.
Compare to my battery version.
Location: Latham, ACT
Member since 21 February 2015
Member #: 1705
Postcount: 2187
If you still have this. U might do well to contact Leon Spicer he is in this group and not too far from you.
Location: Latham, ACT
Member since 21 February 2015
Member #: 1705
Postcount: 2187
I just contacted Leon and he is definitely interested. He said he will contact you on Wednesday. Is your email address unhidden. If not mine is .
Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 397
An interesting radio and surprisingly looks a bit like a console I have. Almost the identical chromed rectangular dial frame, similar sort of dial and writing is somewhat the same.
A dual bander and has some sort of vernier tuning which I guess was a bit of a sales gimmick backthen.
Mine has the brand Marshall on it and on the cabinet there is an enamelled David Jones disc on the cabinet.
It was common in the 30's for department stores to get radio manufactures build job lots of sets for them.
The cabinet of the Marshall does not appear to be the good quality cabinet of the Howard though. Better woodwork on the Howard.
Tomorrow I shall fish it out and get some photos done.
Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 397
Photos sent to admin re my Marshall radio which has a few similarities to the Howard under discussion. A David Jones department store radio with Philips valves.
I do not know whom the maker of the radio is. The AK1 Octode has a paper sticker indicating it was one of a half ton aerial consignment which arrived in Sydney 5/4/1935.
This consignment sent a aerial shipment world record at that time.
The AK1 is probably worth more as a collectable than the whole radio.
Valve line up 1661 Rectifier now an 80, E463 Audio O/P, E444N Detector/IF, E447 I.F, AK1 Octode, Mixer.
Apart from the rectifier all seem to be the original valves.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7425
Photos uploaded to Post 11.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 397
Thanks Brad for your time and will soon send an under chassis shot if you do not mind.
A bit of trauma with the E447 which did not light up when the radio was switched on. Luckily a couple of resweats with fresh solder on the heater pins restored normal operation.
In the photo to follow note the small variable capacitor, this comes in to play when switched to shortwave and adjusting this really brings the signal up.
With just a couple of metres of wire aerial carelessly tossed about was surprised as to how lively and stable this 82 y. old radio is on shortwave.
Listened to quite a few overseas stations with little difficulty and no doubt things would improve with a properly set up aerial.
Location: Tamworth, NSW
Member since 6 April 2012
Member #: 1126
Postcount: 467
I too have a Marshall/David Jones console. Mine is 1935 and uses 80, 2A5, 2A6, 58, 57 as the line-up
I also don't know who actually made it either.
Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 397
It seems David Jones must have been a pretty popular seller of radio in the 30's and is yours the same cabinet as mine ? If you would not mind a photo would be appreciated.
On the Philips AK1 with the sticker which is in mine I stumbled across this last night.
That shipment must have been quite an event in the 30's and most likely used as a sales gimmick. Competition in those days was pretty fierce.
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