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 New Member Hunter Valley N.S.W
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 5:37:32 AM on 10 March 2017.
VAN HELSING's Gravatar
 Location: Scone, NSW
 Member since 7 March 2017
 Member #: 2077
 Postcount: 1

G'day all,

Joined up here yesterday, thought I'd introduce myself..........

My name is Terry and I'm on the wrong side of 50 yrs old.I live in the Hunter Valley in Nuisance Wales.

I was a mechanic by trade for 8 years up to 1989 and from then I have spent the last 27 years working in an area of law enforcement ( complete change of career there ) .

I'm interested in too many things and have collected too many things over the years and much to my wife's disdain, over the past 34 years I have been filling our house and yard up with all sorts of things ( I collect classic cars among many other things ) and this house and yard of ours ( I'm on 1.25 acres ) is pretty much now up to the brim from my bower bird type collecting........our friends and neighbours call our house " The Museum " so you can get an idea of what my collecting disease and the results are like I guess??

Some of the things I've collected which is related to this forum are:-

My grandfathers Planet Tele-Verta bakelite radio ( still working ) that he bought in the early 50's second hand ( from memory ) . It still has the selling dealer celluloid sales sticker on the chassis. I still have his 1961 Combined TV and Radio Licence as well.

An STC A 141 radio I bought a while back in working condition though someone previously painted in an antique looking off white/light cream colour . I think it was originally brown under the paint. Only cost me $20 so I'm not complaining.

Another larger Phillips radio ( I'm at work at the moment so haven't got model details on hand to check ) but I'm guessing it's a 50's era radio?.........bought from same seller of the STC radio above, cost $40 ( not working )

Another bakelite/plastic radio that is green from the 50's I guess ( can't remember make at the moment ) and is in working condition though the case isn't in the best condition unfortunately.

A bakelite Pyramid telephone I bought from England a couple of years back along with the bell set. It was cheaper at the time to by one from over there and have it sent here rather than buy here in Australia, I note that it still seems to be the case with a recent search on ebay for Pyramid phones both here and there and the prices asked.I'd love to have mine converted to work here on our Telstra lines someday.......

Have just bought an Astor Royal 23 inch TV in really good time warp external condition but not game as yet to plug it in to see what happens ???.....expecting sparks and smoke but I might be surprised???.....I know it won't work on our digital system.

I have read here they can be converted to work but all the electronic speak about how to do it is beyond me. My electronic abilities ends at being able to change a set of batteries and plug a socket in a wall outlet!!!

I'm guessing its a 1963 year as one of it's parts has a date stamped in it for July 1963 and I've seen another somewhere?? ( can't remember where now ) that the owner said its a 63 model.

Also have a small 1970's transistor radio I had as a kid, can't remember it's brand/model at the moment.

I've got a portable ( kinda large portable really ) HMV Record player as well from the late 50's. My mother bought the exact same one but in a larger non portable version back in 1957 when she was 15 years old so I'm guessing this portable version of it would date around there?

Probably have a few other radios and things I've forgotten but the above intro dribble from me will do for now I guess.

As you can probably see, I'm an amateur at this when it comes to anything vintage radio or TV related but none of us were born experts I guess ??

Something I really know NOTHING about is the electrickery ( electronics ) side of radio and TV repair so you blokes are going to have to take it easy with me if I ask any electrickery questions !!!

Anyway, that's a bit about me, sorry for all the dribble.........



 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 7:35:58 AM on 10 March 2017.
Robbbert's avatar
 Location: Hill Top, NSW
 Member since 18 September 2015
 Member #: 1801
 Postcount: 2097

Welcome to the forum. There's lots of knowledge here, just ask !

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