Genalex 175 schematic
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Location: Maitland, NSW
Member since 16 May 2014
Member #: 1574
Postcount: 19
Just scored a set of gumtree for $20 - Chassis model number 175-1-110. Front icon is Genalex. Cabinet is in pretty good nick.
Thus I _suspect_ its a Genalex 175
Can anyone enlighten me as too what the other numbers might mean?
Powers up and gives "pot noise" but nothing else. Heaters appear to be working in the valves I can see.
According to the seller it was working just before Christmas (she didn't say what year) and then it just stopped.
Don't suppose anyone has a schematic (or knows where to get one). My initial searches have turned up empty
Thanks in advance
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
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You have not given us much to go on.
How many & what type of valves? Cabinet material & style?
Genalex radios are rebadged Tasmas & use the same model designations.
The only clues I can decipher from the numbers you gave is Genalex BC1110 or Tasma M1110, which is a TW, 5 valve Bakelite mantel with roll-top tuning. Then there is a 1933 Tasma, M175, 5 valve console. I cant find a Genalex version, but that is not to say one doesn't exist.
Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
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Kevin Chant's site has a huge number of Tasma circuits. Bound to find what you want there....
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
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That model exists 5 valve IF 445kHz 1933 British General Electric. BC only
Tasma had habit of using a lot of Philips valves. So the question is, did Tasma; EMMCO; AWA; or someone else badge engineer it?
Specific circuit does not appear to be on Kevin's site. However, never uncommon to be one of whoever built its circuits.
Its amazing, at times, what you find wrong reverse engineering a set.
Valve line-up & sharp photo of the chassis, desirable.
Powering it to see if it goes, with out checking if its safe to do so, can do lots of damage & causes people like me great annoyance by adding more faults than it may never of had, or rendering it too expensive too fix.
Many of them were taken out of service because they failed..... why?
Location: Maitland, NSW
Member since 16 May 2014
Member #: 1574
Postcount: 19
Thanks for all the advice - and apologies for taking so long
It is indeed a Genalex Tasma 175 (a stand alone lowboy type of unit) and I have sourced a schematic for it.
Thanks to Kevin Chant -
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