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Books and Publications on Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration
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Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6797
The following titles are in my library. Some are oriented to the practical side and others go deeper into theory.
Valve Radio and Audio Repair Handbook -- CE Miller 1982 (UK)
Takes a very practical approach to the subject.
Radio Receiver Servicing -- John T. Frye 1955 (USA)
Written in a folksy, accessible style, this is also a good practical book for beginners.
Antique Radio Restoration Guide -- David Johnson 1992 (USA)
Also quite good, but focuses on American sets.
Early radios in Australia: How to Collect, Understand and Repair Them -- Rex Newsom 2002 (Aust)
Overall pretty good, but contains printing errors and many typos.
Old Time Radios! Restoration and Repair -- JJ Carr 1991 (USA)
Good coverage of theory, and some troubleshooting.
Discovering Vintage Radio -- Peter Lankshear 1992 (Aust)
This is a compilation of EA articles on vintage radio by Lankshear.
Designing Power Supplies for Tube Amplifiers -- Merlin Blencowe 2010 (UK)
If there’s a better book in print on the theory and design of valve power supplies, then I’d like to know it.
Elements of Radio Servicing -- Marcus and Levy 1947 (USA)
An excellent text book on the subject. Very detailed.
Foundations of Wireless -- MG Scroggie 1951 (UK)
I read the current (6th?) edition of this book from cover to cover when I was in high school. Was good to read it again after so many years.
Radiotron Designers Handbook -- AWA
Every home should have a copy.
Modern Radio Servicing -- AA Ghirardi 1935 (USA)
A classic from the heyday of radio.
The following publications are available for purchase by HRSA members:
How Your Radio Works -- Ian Batty
HRSA members will be familiar with Ian’s articles in Radio Waves. He’s a very good writer.
HRSA Training Notes -- various authors
Covers: Reading Circuit Diagrams; Electrical Fundamentals; Electrical Safety; Basic Troubleshooting; Receiver Alignment; Valve Substitution, Identification & Testing.)
Valve Receiver Setup and Alignment -- Graeme Dennes
The title says it all.
Location: Toongabbie, NSW
Member since 19 November 2015
Member #: 1828
Postcount: 1331
Hi All, yes books are a huge resource with most written well before the internet and so not full of crap and nonsense!
The handiest books I have are the valve manuals first, then books on design of radios, then the books on test equipment and servicing.
Here are some of them and most important first:
Mninwatt Technical Data 7th ed. You must have a valve manual like this one and available now from ebay cheap.
RCA Receiving Tube Manual RC-14, available ditto ebay , invaluable from the guys that made them.
Philips Tube manual, many editions covers those pesky side lug valves and CRT's
Radio Designers Handbook OR Radiotron Designers Handbook by F Langford Smith, many issues 1934 to 1967, as GTC says "every home should have one"! Buy or steal one and put it next to the first aid manual, but get preferably a last 7th edition with 1500 pages and more stuff than you can poke a stick at. I have a 1940 one and a 1967 one.
Australian RADIO the technical story 1923-83, Winston T Musico every radio type should have this.
Wireless Transmission, FJ Camm
Wireless Coils Chokes, FJ Camm
Wireless receivers, CW Oatley
Radio Test Instruments, Rufus P Turner.
Introduction to TV servicing, Swaluw and Van Der Woerd
Practicla Radio Communication, Nilsen Hornung.
Wireless Servicing Manual, WT Cocking.
Radio Service Test Gear, W Cazaly.
Radio Laboratory, MC Scroggie.
The Physics of music, A Wood.
Plus any number of Radio and Hobbies and similar magazines in paper or CD.
Having read all of them I think i'm just getting to understand valves and valve radios and coils and radio waves and stuff!
Cheers, Fred.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
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Location: Latham, ACT
Member since 21 February 2015
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The HRSA has many such books and offers many other things.
Here is the link if you would like to join.
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