Insulation Varnish.
Location: Kanahooka, NSW
Member since 18 November 2016
Member #: 2012
Postcount: 712
Hello from Jimb.
Can anyone tell me where I can buy a small tin of insulating varnish from . I have some transformers where the top layers of insulating paper are flaking off the transformers , megger out ok , I would just like to varnish over them to stabilise the insulation.
Location: Tamworth, NSW
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Location: Sydney, NSW
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Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
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Instant Estapol spray lacquer (in a spray can) does an excellent job on transformers and lasts just about forever.
During the last days of mono TV that was our standard way of fixing buzzing mains transformers on AWA - Thorn R series chassis under warranty. We didn't even unbolt them from the cabinets - they were screwed to the particle board - just saturated the windings with Estapol, told the client to leave TV off for a couple of hours while it set. A very good and permanent fix.
Make sure you read the can and get the turps cleanup lacquer, not the water based.
Location: Kanahooka, NSW
Member since 18 November 2016
Member #: 2012
Postcount: 712
Thank you Ben , GTC, and Ian for your helpful suggestions.
There is some good stuff there for me to try.
Kind Regards.
Location: Toongabbie, NSW
Member since 19 November 2015
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Postcount: 1331
Hi, Ian is spot on, when winding little radio transformers I spray on estapol interior polyurathane gloss as I go. I have done this with 800 volt windings no problems so the electrical insulation properties once dried and set are fine. As Ian points out use the turps clean up type. I prefer that to the water base on principal although I have used water base, BUT, have had to oven bake the windings after. Moisture and windings are not a great combo! With turps base I just air dry in the sun or leave under lamp heating to dry. You can also buy a big tin of estapol and submerge the whole tranny, soak until no more bubbles come out, drain and then oven bake but I have complete success just rattle canning the stuff on all over and drying. You can "fix" the loose windings and insulation with a couple of coats. Once dried you can then spray the colour of choice over the lot, usually black with me, or to suit the chassis.
Location: Kanahooka, NSW
Member since 18 November 2016
Member #: 2012
Postcount: 712
Thank you all for your help.
I was not able to buy the Esterpol brand , I have used a British Paints clear varnish one which is oil based I guess it will be much the same.
Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
Member #: 1844
Postcount: 2520
I believe Estapol is epoxy or polyurethane or something similar. Very tough when set.
You obviously tried to buy it at Bunnings. Mitre 10 have Estapol, last time I checked.
Location: Kanahooka, NSW
Member since 18 November 2016
Member #: 2012
Postcount: 712
Hello Ian.
Yes that's right I went to Bunnings.
I have used it anyway.
I will in future try and get some from Mitre 10.
I think it will be ok.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
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Postcount: 2048
Estapol the original is getting harder to buy .because hardwares cater for the man about the house and the trend in finishes in the 2000,s is poly, but the original Estapole is much tougher than poly and can stand up to heat better,so where do you buy the original from ? Paint shops like johns paint shops....modern hardwares dont cater for trademen anymore,you cant even buy veneer at the hardware anymore and the chances are if you go to a hardware the person who serves you is about 17
15 years restoring and finishing furniture taught me to go to a paint shop for all your finishes and needs,,,,a good hardward is now in the past , sad but true.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Dedicated paint shops are disappearing, too.
The Bunnings octopus, powered by China Inc, is devouring everything.
Location: Kanahooka, NSW
Member since 18 November 2016
Member #: 2012
Postcount: 712
Hello Vintage Pete and GTC.
I will keep your comments in mind and if I have anymore to do I will take more time and shop around . The stuff I used should be ok where I used it.
I agree with your comments on this hardware chain all the little independent shops with staff that new what they were selling have gone.
Now all you get is cheap crap at a high price. I recently bought some 12 mm eyelets from Bunnings for a canvas project, they looked like brass a couple of months outside and they rusted .
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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The Bunnings octopus, powered by China Inc, is devouring everything.
And, try buying a bottle of white (almost clear, without the orange tinge) shellac. It was as rare as rocking horse poo when I scored a bottle as a foreign order through work about five years ago. I forget the name of the manufacturer but I do believe it's no longer made. I still have the shellac but I wouldn't take $1,000 for it. Only golden shellac is still available and even then, not at all outlets.
If you ask for white shellac at Bunnings you'll just get a stupid look, similar to the one you get when you complain about common items being out of stock. One wonders how things can be out of stock in a shop the size of two football fields and a few of them are even over two levels.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6797
One wonders how things can be out of stock
The Bunnings model is store-centric; head office doesn't even have a view of stock on hand in any store. Call them about a product's availability and they will refer you to a store.
Store management decides what products are "on range" and, for many products, the suppliers are in charge of stocking the shelves. That's why in some stores which tradies use heavily there's always a chronic shortage of certain common hardware items and why the staff can never tell you when a restock is going go occur.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6797
12 mm eyelets from Bunnings for a canvas project
Ship's chandler is best for such things, although they are few and far between, too, these days. BIAS discounted itself right out of business.
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