Circuit required for HMV Model 63-54
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Location: Emerald, VIC
Member since 6 July 2009
Member #: 510
Postcount: 6
I am after a circuit schematic for a 1960's HMV model 6354.
The valve complement is 6M5,6AV6,6AN7,6AX4 and a fourth which I can't read.The tuner has given up although all else works OK;volume etc is still fine.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 18 September 2010
Member #: 102
Postcount: 301
It could be a 6N8 ? I also think that the 6AX4 maybe a 6X4 ?
Location: Emerald, VIC
Member since 6 July 2009
Member #: 510
Postcount: 6
Thanks Rudy,
You're right it is a 6X4.I will try to obtain a 6N8 which I suspect to be the problem.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5427
HMV tended to use 6BA6 as their RF Amp.
6N8 has nine pins 6BA6 seven pins.
6AX4 Does exist. Its a Half wave Booster diode with an eight pin socket. I would expect to find that in the Horizontal output of a TV.
Need more info there.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 18 September 2010
Member #: 102
Postcount: 301
Alan was talking about a radio not a TV.
Location: Emerald, VIC
Member since 6 July 2009
Member #: 510
Postcount: 6
Thanks for your help here.
I think it must be a 6BA6 as it only has 7 pins.
Strange that I switched it on after checking the components (again) and up it came! Intermittents are the worst type of fault.
I hadn't touched it for a week or so; it must have wanted a rest.
Any thoughts on this type if intermittent fault?
Thanks again,Alan.
(Chassis is 63-54 and the model is a Super 5)
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5427
A note with 6AX4; This was mentioned in the first posting.
I was pointing out what it was and why it was unlikely to ever be in a radio. viz: its a TV Damper diode, its an International Octagonal and not a minature.
6AN7 is a Triode Hexode. so you would use similar techniques as that of a 6J8 to find out why the tuner has fallen over.
Ie often you can fix a set without specifics as they often follow a similar plot.
One must actually work from the volume control back to the converter to insure that the RF Amp is working & no one has messed up the If transformers by playing with the slugs. Eg do an IF alignment as you start at the last IF. That will save specutation as to where the fault is.
Some times the set has the IF frequency on it. Normally HMV used 457.5 kHz
Check the screen resistor; They used marginal resistances in some sets & they gradually cooked. Some resistors around that time were a bit dicy & in more than a couple of sets, I have ended up turfing the lot.
Location: Richmond, NSW
Member since 1 January 2009
Member #: 406
Postcount: 5
Hi Alan,
I have a circuit of an little nipper 65-54 which I think would be pretty close. It has the same valve line up. I repaired one with a crook front end and the fault turned out to be an open circuit coil on the plate of the 6AN7 ( Triode plate that is) Your welcome to a copy of the circuit if you want it
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