Circuit diagram for AWA P1
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
I remember seeing requests for this before, but it was always a document that had to be emailed, not a straight link.
Can somebody help with this?
I've just been given an old P1, which, after an extended session of having its electros slowly "re-formed" with a variac, actually worked, apart from poor vertical hold!
I used to work for Hills Telefix over 40 years ago, and I remembered a common fault with the P1 was poor vertical hold, caused by a leaky 0.0068µF "Hi Qual" capacitor (which was a paper capacitor disguised as a polyester type by encasing it in a plastic sleeve!). Sure enough, there it was; a 0.0068µF "Hi Qual", still crazy after all these years.
We used to get sets full of Hi Quals in those days, and there was nothing for it but to change every one. Odd how the P1 mostly uses proper Polyester caps, but for some perverse reason AWA decided to use the dreaded "Hi Quals" in some locations.
Anyway, the picture tube still has life in it and it gives a pretty crisp picture considering it must be about 50 years old. I've got a tiny digital Set Top box (more a pocket-size box really), and I was thinking of fitting that inside the case to turn it into a portable valve Digital TV. A really cute effect would be to make the old channel changer mechanism basically click the buttons on the STB so it changes channels as you turn the knob. The hard bit would be making it count down if you rotate the knob anti-clockwise...
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
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Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
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Postcount: 2116
I have a P1 that will be scrapped next week. See for details.
Seeing that you live around here, I can bring the chassis back here if you want to collect it. It will be intact except for the rabbit ears and the valves. The tube is good. I turned it on last week and it sprang to life.
Let me know if you're interested.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
"Seeing that you live around here, I can bring the chassis back here if you want to collect it."
I actually live at Riverstone, out near Windsor. I've never been to Mittagong but I guess my Satnav would figure it out.
I mostly need a better cabinet. When you say "chassis," is that all you have now?
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
I can bring it to Ingleburn, may save you some driving (Drive the M7 till it joins the M31, then first exit).
Right now, the TV is complete and working, cabinet is perfect. However I promised the rabbit ears to another member, and I want the valves. The rest was scheduled for the bin.
Once I've removed those parts, you can have the rest, which means the cabinet, picture tube, chassis, components, controls and knobs.
Is that ok for you?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
"There is a link to the P1 service manual in the thread below:"
Thanks heaps. 50 years ago, when the P1 was new, who would have ever imagined you could do such a thing? AND print it out in full colour....
Meanwhile, good luck trying to get circuits for a 3 year old LCD TV
But also meanwhile, the monitor I'm using while typing this is a 40" LCD TV that I DID manage to resurrect (By bypassing the power factor correction circuit - which billions of colour TVs seemed to have worked quite successfully without).
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
"Is that ok for you?"
I mainly want the cabinet but I'll take anything I can get.
Is there anything you want in return? About 3 years ago I scored almost the entire contents of the Dick Smith service department when Woolworths shut it down. A bucket of assorted electrolytics? Test equipment?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
About 3 years ago I scored almost the entire contents of the Dick Smith service department when Woolworths shut it down.
Was there much left of their service department by then? I remember trying to get a problem fixed at a DSE PowerHouse store not long before Woolworths turned it into a whitegoods store and they told me DSE had no service department anymore. I had a feeling the service department went when DSE moved out of their big HQ at North Ryde?
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5472
My concern in circumstances like this is one is the loss of data: Unfortunately the repair service did not impress me & a few others (word of mouth can be destructive). I sent a CB to them years ago & they sent it back, proclaiming that they fixed it by soldering on the speaker wires they probably broke of taking the cover off.
Ok it made hissing noises but still did not transmit, or receive, which was why it was sent (warranty) otherwise I would not have wasted my time with them. Had they have checked it properly, it was a pile of junk & had a least seven dry joints on the board.
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
In a former life I repaired CBs in the heyday of the 80s and late 70s. Most were good quality (Uniden and Cybernet) but toward the end, some real junk started getting sold and they were terrible (e.g. Super Jaguar).
Is there anything you want in return? About 3 years ago I scored almost the entire contents of the Dick Smith service department when Woolworths shut it down. A bucket of assorted electrolytics? Test equipment?
The only test equipment I need is a sweep generator and a spectrum analyser, but I figure you wouldn't have spares.
Valves are always handy, but I don't know if you scored any of those. Otherwise a "bucket" of high-voltage caps and electros would do. 
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
GTC Was there much left of their service department by then? I remember trying to get a problem fixed at a DSE PowerHouse store not long before Woolworths turned it into a whitegoods store and they told me DSE had no service department anymore. I had a feeling the service department went when DSE moved out of their big HQ at North Ryde?
No, it was still operating at Chullora until about October 2011 with about 8 people. However, I don't think they were doing much casual service work, mostly it was evaluating and if possible repairing warranty returns.
When Woolworths decided to set up a centralised QA division they basically pinched the Dick Smith Engineering department and moved us from Chullora to Bella Vista to become the Electrical QA section. I'm not sure who advised them on how to do this but Dick Smith had 12 people in their QA team (only doing DSE stuff); which was cut down to 6, to do all electrical evaluation and testing for Woolworths Supermarkets, BigW, Dick Smith, Masters, and Woolworths Indian Joint Venture Croma. They also decreed that we didn't really need all the test equipment we had, and we spent weeks cataloguing it for sale on eBay, and they we told it was all going in the dumpster and we had three days to take anything we wanted! They did a similar thing with the old BigW test equipment at Bella Vista, so I've now got the best equipped workshop in the North West, although admittedly it's hard to move in there 
Anyway I now work for Jaycar, who don't have shareholders or HR people.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
Thanks Keith. Just reinforces my view of Woolworths as an acquisitive octopus without a brain.
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
I mainly want the cabinet but I'll take anything I can get.
It will be available for collection from next Saturday.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 16 January 2008
Member #: 219
Postcount: 66
OK. Is there a way to send private messages to members on here?
I can't see any way of doing it.
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
The TV is here now, on the front verandah by the front door.
There's also a much newer CRT television out there that works but has bad colours (needs deguassing I think), you can take it too if you like. Otherwise it will go in the next council cleanup.
You can come around anytime in the next week and pick it/them up. I may not be here, but that's ok. If nothing happens after a week, it will go in the bin after all.
This forum has no PM system which is unfortunate. You need to go to your settings and unhide your email address, then I can email you. Once done, you can hide it again.
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