Filter capacitor question
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Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 9 November 2015
Member #: 1819
Postcount: 9
Hi everyone,first time asking a question here. I've really liked reading this forum,so here goes..
I have a Kriesler 11-99 and have replaced all the Paper caps with 630v axials. Now onto the electrolytic filter caps.
Someone previously has replaced the 6V4 rec tube with a solid state diode with marking BY126/400. The filter caps are supposed to be 40μF and 20μF but have been replaced with 50μF 150v caps for both. The radio sounds great but I have some of the original spec caps coming in the mail and have since noticed the change in capacitor specs.
My question is it ok to put in the original spec caps or should they be the same as what's in there now with the solid state diode rectifier?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6802
Based on some stats published in this 2013 thread on V-R:
... the 11-99 was in production for around 9 years. During that long run Kriesler replaced the 6V4 with a silicon diode and we think that "the rectifier change falls between serial no's 17413 to 20893."
I take it that your set still has a 9 pin socket where a 6V4 sat originally?
Those original caps were rated at 200VW. The 6V4 was wired as a half wave rectifier with an input voltage of 115V AC. The peak voltage for that configuration is around 160 volts.
BTW: what is the serial number on your set, and can you see a manufacturing date on the power transformer?
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
My first 11-99 is a nice-looking red and white one and it has the solid-state rectifier. I was surprised it worked so well with such a low voltage. There was very little I had to do, it is an excellent design and works well.
I later acquired an ivory one, and a chocolate-brown one.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 9 November 2015
Member #: 1819
Postcount: 9
Thanks GTC and Robbert for the replies.
My serial #: 23428
The power transformer has 27 April 1970 on it and this number 18-3815
There is no valve socket but the original hole and I even mentioned to a mate that it is a perfect neat job if someone has converted it to a solid state diode. So it makes sense that this is original from the factory. But the transformer must've been replaced.
Also the circuit diagram inside the case has it as having the 6V4 as well.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
But the transformer must've been replaced
Date-wise, that transformer appears to be original to me. I have updated our list.
Note that there is apparently no definitive Kriesler factory information about the changeover. That's why we started the list. Every new bit of information helps paint the picture.
Robbert: It would be good to have the date from your set's transformer, too, if possible.
Updated list here:
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 9 November 2015
Member #: 1819
Postcount: 9
Thanks for the info GTC.
So i'd be ok to stick with the original spec electrolytics?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
I'm not sure what is original spec as I don't have a schematic for the silicon diode version.
As a general rule, filter caps should have a voltage rating that's the peak value of the unfiltered DC plus some headroom.
Also, the electrolytics used in such filters should have a high surge current rating.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 9 November 2015
Member #: 1819
Postcount: 9
Ok, well i'll install the ones i've ordered that line up with the specs on the sticker with the tube rec and go from there. The ones i'm installing will be 450v rated.
Thanks for your help.
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2116
.Robbert: It would be good to have the date from your set's transformer, too, if possible.
I will get the info on all my 11-99's on Wednesday. Hopefully it will fill in a gap or two.
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