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 Electrosound Model ID
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 5:48:39 PM on 18 September 2015.
Flakes's avatar
 Location: Adelaide, SA
 Member since 27 February 2010
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 Postcount: 398

Hi All

I recently picked up a unique radio at an auction down here is SA. I had never seen or heard of Electrosound before.

The problem I am having is identifying is identifying the model No of this set. I started looking at the various Lists of models in the AORSMs that relate to Electrosound. The problem is I dont think the valves are correct.
EK32, 6B6G, 6SK7GT, Missing, 5Y3GT.
The set is a DW unit in a Metal case (Currently not earthed Frown )

I stareted going through TROVE and found this at the bottom RHS of the Left page!

It seems to be the first picture I could find of the unit.

UP date Just found this... (Its the bottom one)
Can anyone recognise it so I can hopefully put it to Standard.

Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 5:58:49 PM on 18 September 2015.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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Possibly one of these dual wave mantels from 1946:

Model 524/1: 5Y3G,EK2G,6U7G/EBF32,6B6G,6V6GT
Model 524/2: 5Y3G,ECH35,6U7G,6B6G,6V6G

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 8:49:27 PM on 18 September 2015.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
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The socket & the 200 Ohm back bias resistor are a clue. Has it got that coming off the HV centre tap?

Back bias will be indicated if one of the chassis type electrolytic caps is mounted on an insulator.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 8:45:48 AM on 19 September 2015.
Flakes's avatar
 Location: Adelaide, SA
 Member since 27 February 2010
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 Postcount: 398

Hi Guys

Thanks for your help.

The Socket for the Missing Valve is an Octal. I have checked the connections and they match the PO stages of the 2 radio models listed above.

SO then went looking at the power supply section...
Dead giveaway from there! It has 3 big electros. 2 x 8μF and 1 x 16uF.

So I conclude at the moment the model is a 524/1, BUT I have not checked the components around the RF end yet to see what has been changed around there for the different valve used there.

Electrosound 524/2 Circuit Diagram

Electrosound Mantel Radio

Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 9:13:39 AM on 19 September 2015.
Tinkera123's Gravatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
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Hi Flakes,

I found that my Electrosound was very close to models 63P and 63P(Q) ..... but in detail, it combined a couple of stages of one model with one stage from the other ..... similar, I guess, to progressive changes to older cars when going down a production-line.


Cheers, Ian

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 9:26:29 AM on 19 September 2015.
Flakes's avatar
 Location: Adelaide, SA
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 Postcount: 398

Ok further Probing around

The diagram states a 6U7G, My set has in that position a 6SK7GT.

All of the components on that socket look to be original. there is no hole in the Chassis for the Grid Cap wire to have ever been there.

The component values are the same as those listed on the diagram. they end up on the correct pins for the 6SK7GT so I suspect that this set came from factory with that "Mod".
Just for Interest this is the Pin out:
1 - Chassis
2 - Chassis
3 - Connected to 5
4 - To IF Coil
5 - 500 Ohm and 0.05μF to Chassis
6 - .01μF to Chassis and 100K Ohm to IF coil,
7 - Heater Supply
8 - to IF coil (Other side of the same coil as the resistor from Pin 6!)

I guess this was because of the War Shortage of valves.

Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to

 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 10:32:22 AM on 19 September 2015.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
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There seems to be a bit of chopping & changing which was not uncommon around wartime. The fact it was pensioned may be that it has a wrong valve & it could be another model? Look for numbers.

Check the wiring of the 6B6 as in other models they used 6SQ7 and the two are not pin interchangeable.

6SQ7: 1 sheild; 2 grid Triode; 3 Cathode; 4 Diode plate 2; 5 Diode Plate 1; 6 Plate Triode 7&8 Heaters

6B6: 1 NC; 2&7 Heaters; 3 Plate Triode; 4 PD2; 5 PD1; 6 NC; 8 Cathode. Grid 1 top cap

The top cap may come from underneath but, that is not set in concrete as the TC wire can come out of an IF can. This is why I would confirm the pin outs. Left of spigot pin1, read clockwise, wiring side.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 8:05:59 PM on 23 September 2015.
Flakes's avatar
 Location: Adelaide, SA
 Member since 27 February 2010
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 Postcount: 398


I checked the components connected to the 6B6G and the all seem to be as marked on the diagram shown above.

I had to google about the EK2G and EK32. From what I found it is the same valve in a different base. Happy to be corrected.


Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to

 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 9:44:08 PM on 23 September 2015.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
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Both the EK2G and EK32 have the same octal base and pin-out. It is the EK2 that has the different side-contact or P-base and a fatter top-cap.

The EK2G is part of the Australian made Philips Gold Series and is painted gold. The EK32 valves are European made and are painted red.

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