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Alignment procedure for Ferris car radio
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Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 398
Wonder whether anyone out there would know the correct alignment procedure for the IF stages and the front end for a Ferris M94.
Have a signal generator on hand so think it may be worthwhile to get things realigned.
Thanks for any advice.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
AORSM's are of little use here as the only thing I see is that the IF is 455kHz.
The sig gen needs to be reasonably accurate and of more importance stable. If you are running it in conjunction with a frequency counter, do not calibrate using modulated signal.
It's calibration is pretty much the same as all other valve radio's. If you are feeding signal into the antenna, put say 200pF in series with the output lead of the generator.
I normally use a CRO to watch the wave form when I calibrate and a frequency counter to set the rough old generator..
Adjust the last IF first, when doing them. Oscillator is set at 600kHz Then the aerial trimmer is adjusted at around1500 kHz (2AY) 2AY & 3SR are stations that are where they pretty much always were.
Location: Bathurst, NSW
Member since 7 August 2008
Member #: 336
Postcount: 398
Thanks Marc for the comments made. Have a Marconi TF995B generator and a CRO which should be a start.
Now where have I put that frequency counter ?? Will have to do a search for it, been years since it has been used.
Should be an interesting evening exercise.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
It sometimes gets like that. I have moved and there is no house here. I am gradually coralling radio stuff into two places.
The test equipment other than meters is racked right behind and accesable to the work bench. Still needs work but it is workable. Even with 3 radio's on the bench.
I would have liked to get info on the NASCO MN-C8K (Holden) "Airchief" (Astor) portable, on the bench, however, is currently going, on batteries. So it will be reasembled. And the three of them shipped out..
The local Holden CC is having a display tommorow (Sun) so I might take the Ford Zephyr & check the show out. I know a lot of them so it's a spy mission.
I built a DSE Kit counter, EA feature. That has a segment playing up in one of the numeral displays. However, I have an ex MIlitary "Fluke" 1912A. It had mechanical issues with its display (not wrapt in the display engineering).
If you are not sure of the counters calibration & have no references. User a radio & the sig gen to hetrodyne it aganst WWVH. 2.5, 5, 10, 15 MHz.. Somehow I have managed to end up with 3 CRO's
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