University Supertester.
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Location: Tynong North, VIC
Member since 9 April 2009
Member #: 464
Postcount: 37
Does anyone know where I might get a circuit for a University Supertester model TST.
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
Member #: 442
Postcount: 145
I have a manual which includes the circuit. Will email a copy shortly.
Cheers, Graham...
Location: Maclean, NSW
Member since 30 May 2008
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Location: Tynong North, VIC
Member since 9 April 2009
Member #: 464
Postcount: 37
Thanks Graham and Airzone, for your input however I still don't have the circuit of my machine , it is an earlier model than the TVT/TST shown in the link , this one has no miniature valve sockets the octal being the most modern, it has a 6X5 and a vibrator. There is one currently on Ebay the same as this.
Cheers John.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
Seems that's a scarce one. Maybe try contacting the eBay seller saying that you already have one and ask if they'd copy the manual for you for a reasonable fee (assuming that it contains the schematic).
Location: Riddells Creek, VIC
Member since 7 August 2009
Member #: 526
Postcount: 123
Hi John, finally there is a schematic for the TST...mine is same as yours...vibrator power option. emailed a copy to you.
Note in the schematic 6v from power socket to vibrator can.
This same socket provides the 240v ac input??
Unless my speed reading missed something there is no mention in instruction book of unit setup/line adjust etc
If anyone can help verify it would be appreciated
Do you adjust line compensating sw to read 250DC on meter?? or 30v ......schematic mentions both near rectifier.
If anyone has the power cord could you verify its wiring...just to be sure! 
Schematic etc is available at
Cheers Paul
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 27 February 2010
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Postcount: 398
If no one comes forward with any valve charts data for this set I have them. there is just one catch... It is packed up in a box and going down to SA. I could probably scan it and send it in a few weeks.
There should be a roll chart on the front of the machine.
Just to make sure is it the one that also tests caps?
Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to
Location: Riddells Creek, VIC
Member since 7 August 2009
Member #: 526
Postcount: 123
Hi flakes, it seems there are several versions of the same model...both with cap test, mine has minature sockets & John who started the post has none. Both units share identical face plates except for this. The issue for john is his has extra batteries (3xtype703) he still seeking info relating to his.
I still have a valve chart inside of mine in good nic.....if you have a chart with more info than on the roll it would be greatly appreciated when you get a chance
Cheers Paul
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 27 February 2010
Member #: 630
Postcount: 398
Hi Guys
Sorry it has been a while since I posted any info.
I dont have much hope of finding that information. I have about 50 boxes in my shed to be unpacked so finding the information is probably not going to happen very quickly.
Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to
Location: Riddells Creek, VIC
Member since 7 August 2009
Member #: 526
Postcount: 123
Thats OK, it gets like that!! It's a time permitting hobby for me as well.
Have finished the electrical rebuild side of my unit, the multimeter part of it is suprisingly accurate across most ranges. The valve tester side of it I will have to compare with my other tester & gauge its performance.
But the thing I am left with is the casing - wood with a cloth that looks like it was painted/tarred over with something??
Has anyone got any ideas on what they used & how to create the same look??? I polished the front metal with kitten cut & polish cream & it gleams! just repainted the white indicator lines in the selector nobs so all looks very good ......except for the outer shell!
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6802
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Talk about spoilt for choice. I just had a look and am quite impressed. They might have me as a punter soon. Something I want to do between now and new year is construct a Little General. Some parts have to be found first though and my plan is to use material like this rather than polished timber.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
Brad: "Something I want to do between now and new year is construct a Little General."
I have a Little General that needs "re-skinning". I was given the tip about Fabric Supplies in that context.
Location: Riddells Creek, VIC
Member since 7 August 2009
Member #: 526
Postcount: 123
Yikes, many choices! Tar for that!
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