Stromberg-Carlson radiogram cabinet, need help with valves.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 22 April 2012
Member #: 1135
Postcount: 13
Hi there everyone. I just joined up here the other day, and I spent a bit of time reading some of the posts. Its a really helpful site and I hope someone can help me with my new addition to my house.
Yesterday I picked up this radiogram cabinet. There was no near by plug to test it, but the guy assured me it worked when they brought it in. Got it for just $50, and aside from a large scratch across the top, it was completely undamaged. Top hinge worked perfectly and the front door on the left opened nicely for holding the records. Even the felt under the lid was in an undamaged condition. All in all its a simple and attractive unit and I really liked the style and look of it. It is smaller but similar to my drinks cabinet.
Anyways after bringing it home in the boot of my rather large American car, I plugged it in and it turned on nicely. Radio selector face lit up, and the record player worked flawlessly. The Radio is a Stromberg-Carlson, and it seems the selecting string underneath isn't moving, but that shouldn't be too hard to fix. On the record player I just set it to auto and the drop-down and auto arm movement worked a treat. The record player is a Garrard, model 120/4h, serial 52500/s. Ive got another Garrard player, so I was not too surprised it worked fine as they are very reliable and trustworthy.
Now I know the Record player is mid 50s, but I'm not sure if this is what the unit was made with or put in after? The radio and cabinet looks slightly older to me, but I could be wrong and it is just an older looking style they made in the 50s. Ive sent in some pics so you can see what I mean.
Also the only thing that doesn't seem to be working is the speaker. Playing a record I can hear the sound perfectly (very quietly) but it is not being amplified though the speaker. I put this down to the missing valves I think underneath. I trace the speaker wires back to the chassis and I see it goes into a plug that doesn't seem to have a valve into the side of it. Next to it is another valve missing of the same size, and next to that one is missing a smaller one. I have also sent in some pics showing where the valves are missing. I would REALLY love some help in finding some replacement valves for these. The unit DID come with 5 loose valves, but alas, not the right size.
#1 So I was wondering if anyone can help with confirmation of the age of the radio and cabinet? If indeed it is '50s like the record player or perhaps earlier?
#2 What valves am I missing and where/how can I go about getting some please? I would really love to hear this old girl singing with a full voice.
#3 Any other comments or suggestions about this old box and any information about this one.
And I hope you all have had a enjoyable and productive weekend and a good week so far.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Playing a record I can hear the sound perfectly (very quietly) but it is not being amplified though the speaker. I put this down to the missing valves
Appears that you are hearing an acoustical/mechanical rendition of the record via the stylus, because without 3 valves there isn't going to be any electrical rendition.
Somebody here may be able to identify the model of that set from those photos, but without some more information and a picture of the entire chassis I could only make a guess among 8 S-C radiograms with broadcast band only receiver.
With luck there will be a valve layout sticker somewhere either on the chassis or in the cabinet.
Take a look at the remaining valves and let us know their type numbers.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 22 April 2012
Member #: 1135
Postcount: 13
I will try and get a better (more full) pic of the chassis if possible.
The whole unit has fairly simple lines and look to it, nothing super special or custom so I would think it is a common design, hopefully someone has seen a few of them around maybe? The simple style is appealing to me, very clean lines to the whole design.
Also I cant see any valve layout sticker on the back. There seems to be a discoloured spot where a sticker used to be, so no help there. But I cant wait to get some sound out of it soon.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6802
Also I cant see any valve layout sticker on the back
Okay, then as requested above, please let us know the type numbers from the 2 valves that are still in the set. (I am assuming a 5 valve set, so with 3 missing there should be still 2 in place -- they may not be the correct valves but if they are correct then they may give me the clue I need to identifying that S-C chassis).
This is of more use to me than a picture at the moment.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5472
I would also like to know if it has any model numbers on it. They may be stamped, or painted on the back of the chassis.
It looks to be in the area of the transition from octal to minature valves. That looks like a Plessey / Garrard turntable of the fifties
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6802
It looks to be in the area of the transition from octal to minature valves
Yes, from what appears to be a 9-pin socket I'm punting on the output being a 6M5, in which case some candidate models are 53A12, 53A13, 53A14 of 1953/54.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5472
Hmmm... Methinks 5Y3 and 6V6 in octal holes perhaps & the minature is perhaps a horrid 6N8, or other det audio?
Time will tell....
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 5 January 2009
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I think what you have is a Stromberg-Carlson model 51A11 from 1951.
From what I've found, they were heavily advertised for most of 1951 & into early 1952, some of which I've posted via the links below.
Up until November 1951, some advertising refers to the turntable as a Stromberg-Carlson "automatic changer".
Personally, I've never come across a Stromberg branded record player or changer ever, so I know nothing about whether these were American imports, made here in Australia, or whether they were simply rebadged Collaro or similar player, but I assume these were a single speed 78rpm changer.
Then in November 1951, a new ad appears, boasting that the Stromberg-Carlson will never become obsolete because it has the "revolutionary velvet-action MICRO-GROOVE 3 SPEED automatic record changer".
So it would seem that in Oct/Nov 1951, the single speed turntable was replaced with a 3 speed player.
I'm 99% sure that your radiogram is the 1951 model 51A11 (even though the ads dont show the cabinet in any great detail) because by 1953 this style of cabinet appears to have completely disappeared from the Stromberg range, being replaced by cabinets with front doors that fell forward to reveal the radio and record player.
Therefore I think you are correct in thinking your Garrard RC-120 is a later upgrade.
My guess is that it originally had the 78rpm player & the original owns upgraded to the Garrard 3 speed in 1954/55.
Then again, it may have had a Stromberg 3 speed, which might have been a troublesome changer needing constant adjustment or repair, which might explain why I've never seen one in my travels??
Here are 4 newspaper ads I found.
The first & second are from July 1951, the third is from Sept 1951, and the forth appeared in both Nov & Dec 1951.
Image Link
Image Link
Image Link
Image Link
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5472
To me that would not explain two octal sockets, the speaker I would expect, by the circuits to have 4 pins
So I am expecting perhaps 5A50 5A90 on the previous models chassis, there was a change to 6AV6 hence the plate.
The missing in the photo would then be 6AV6 7 pin then 6V6 & 6X5 that latter being nototorious for shorting
Look for all posted model numbers on the chassis rear or along the chassis edge. AWA had a bad habit of putting Bandmaster numbers in that position.
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
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Postcount: 145
Hi Marc,
I think you are closer to the model being a 5A50. The 51A11 has a valve lineup 6BE6, 6BA6, 6AV6, 6M5 and a 6X5GT.
The 5A50 has 6BE6, 6BA6, 6AV6, 6V6 and 6X5GT.
Another model from 1949 has the same lineup as the 5A50 and has the output transformer mounted on the speaker, connected by a small 4 pin plug. Model 5A59.
Cheers, Graham ...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6802
Interesting to note the miniature socket mounted in what appears to be an octal socket hole, so the transition period theory is probably on the money.
Plenty of candidates emerging. Hopefully Direbear will get back to us with further information.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 5 January 2009
Member #: 410
Postcount: 61
Isn't this fun 
If the chassis is from a 5A50 or 5A59, then I guess they must have used up the old chassis' from those models and put them in the 51A11 cabinet?
I'm pretty sure the cabinet is that of a 51A11, but as for what chassis Direbears cabinet has, I cant say.
The cabinet of the 5A50 appears to be very similar, but the grille treatment is completely different. It also appears to have only one record storage door, and the record bin beside the radio is also absent. There's quite a few different ads showing the 5A50 cabinet throughout 1950, and the link below is for one that appeared in Nov 1950.
Image Link
I could only find a couple ads for the 5A59, and the one below is from June 1950. This cabinet however is completely different.
The cabinet of the 6A70 above it looks similar, but the radio appears to run the opposite way, and I'm guessing the 6A70 was a 6 valve chassis?
Image Link
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single ad for the 5A90, (with or without a picture), so goodness only knows what that models cabinet looked like
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5472
Making new dies for the Brake presses was not a cheap exercise. So plenty of chasses were made with extra holes for different models and cheaper to stamp plates, added, rather than re-tool
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 22 April 2012
Member #: 1135
Postcount: 13
Hi there guys. Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth, but sometimes we get buried in an avalanche of "life"...
Either way, I am still here and still very keen in getting this to work. My father gave me a box of old vales, and I put it in the shed till I have some time to check them all out.
I will take some more pics tomorrow and hopefully it might help a bit. I will also see if any of those vales you guys have all mentioned are in this box.
On positive side, I managed to clean up and get working a Astor, model GN [with 6AN7] and have it playing nicely while I write this. This one means a lot to me actually because it was the radio we had while I was growing up, used it all the time till I was in high school. We had it in the dinning room, always on softly during dinner time for background music. I might post a couple of pics of that too tomorrow.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 22 April 2012
Member #: 1135
Postcount: 13
OK So... There is unfortunately no diagram or anything on the back or inside of the cabinet.
What photos of the unit would be more helpful? a more clear shot of the chassis?
Also does anyone have a picture of what a 6V6, 6M5 and a 6X5GT look like?
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