1955 breville precedent
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
Thanks Marcc..
Will check the valves and also see if there is a chassis number or model number anywhere and post them.
Is it standard procedure when restoring these to replace the electrolytics and valves? Mine has an "unearthed" hum in it and only has a two-wire (active and neutral) power lead. Would a proper 3 wire lead with a chassis earth make a difference?
Any advice gratefully received.
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
OK.. have checked the valves and this model uses:
Does that help the identification?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Postcount: 6750
^ The octal base 6AC7 has me puzzled. If it were a 6BH5 then the line-up would match one of these two 1955 models:
Model 534A (AC DW) 6V4,6BE6,6BH5,6BD7,6M5
Model 534B (AC BC) 6V4,6BE6,6BH5,6BD7,6M5
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
Maybe I have the wrong year? Is there any way of further checking? For example, where would the model number be located - somewhere on the chassis?
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
OK, one more (there will probably be lots as I'm on a steep learning curve!)
It appears the ceramic cartridge in the Collaro turntable may be faulty. Does someone still stock these or is there a suitable after-market replacement?
Any/all ideas welcome
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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I am not sure whether a modern cartridge could be fitted or adapted for use on old turntables but this place seems worth a try: http://www.soundring.com.au/.
If they don't have something suitable they may know someone who does - I'm sure they would get asked the same question every now and then.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
More on the possible model ...
The tuning condenser has PC 636 stencilled on it.
The chassis is stamped centre back with the numbers 025-55
Does this help?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6750
Are you sure about that 6AC7? Among my data I can't find a single radio set that uses it. Is it a black valve with 8 pins?
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
Yes.. it's a black octal base
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6750
In that case, I'm snookered.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7377
This is a guess but I would say that the 6AC7 doesn't belong in the valve compliment of this set. It's a metal valve and by accounts not suitable for use in domestic radio - more suited to video amplification.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
How do we account for the octal base socket on the chassis???
Now I'm snookered as well!
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7377
It would not have been common for a radio made in 1955 to be fitted with octal valves in any number however there would have been isolated cases. I tend to collect mainly from the 1930's era so I don't have such an example in my collection though I have a few sets made between 1949 and 1952 that fall into the changeover period, where many models were either originally designed for octal valves and were then later fitted with seven and nine pin baseless valves toward the end of the time they were manufactured.
Some examples that come to mind are the mottled green, pink and blue Airzone Cubs of the era and the AWA Radiola 429MA which was originally manufactured with four octal valves but was fitted with three octals and one baseless valve as baseless valves went into manufacture at the Radio-Electric Works in Ashfield, NSW.
Metal valves were mostly made in the US though some were made in England. They were mostly used in military equipment but found their way into some Australian sets, especially those too small for G-series octals to be fitted - EG: The Astor Mickey Mouse. When GT-series octals came into vogue, metal valves pretty much left the scene, apart from some specialised applications. Because of this I doubt Breville will have used a 6AC7 in any of their sets. Data for this valve shows that it was not designed for receivers employing automatic gain control, which was a standard feature in just about every Australian radio from the early 1930s right up to the end of the valve era.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
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It would appear that Breville & Precedent are the same manufacture.
This lot seem to have built some wierd circuits there is one with three 6SA7's in it. It is the most different of all Pentagrid converters and actually has a suppressor grid. They did " chop & change" in that era
I have serviced domestic sets with an EF50 in them & that's a radar valve.
I would expect a pentode as I think 6BD7 has diode plates. Check the pinouts if it is a 6AC7 / 1852 it's probably 1st RF? AGC is only sometimes applied to 1st RF.
Pin 1 ground (normal for metal);
std heaters 2&7;
Non standard Pin 3 grid 3,
Pin 4 grid one;
pin 5 Cathode;
Pin 6 grid 2 (screen);
Pin 8 Anode
Metals were not unusual in domestic sets. I just serviced a Bandmaster eq AWA 251 and that was built for them. I did service a US Midwest and all 18 valves were meant to be metals. Four metal 6F6's in the PP out.
Location: Managlore, TAS
Member since 4 November 2011
Member #: 1030
Postcount: 29
Think I should take some pictures when I remove the chassis and post them here... would that help?
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