Replacing 'ultra linear' O/P transformers
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Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 26 December 2010
Member #: 794
Postcount: 387
have established thanks to folks here that my HMV radiogram has 2 x 'ultra linear' - 1 for each channel. They appear to both require replacement. Given the input side of the transformers has 3 wires, am I at all able to use a standard transformer to do the job. The output valves are 6M5. I did fine a web site in the US selling ultra linear transformers, but again have no idea if they will suit.
URL for the transformers is:
Hoping for some guidence again.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 27 February 2010
Member #: 630
Postcount: 398
I would not go for that transformer for the following reasons.
1. Its a push pull transformer (2 O/P tubes per side)
2. The impedance is wrong.
3. The power rating is excessive for your tube!
4. The OP impedance is wrong for the speakers in the Gram
5. The transformers for this set are unknown as far as to what percentage (For UL) they are tapped at. (ie 20% or 43%)
You might try to find another chassis for your Radiogram and get the transformers from it. Or as another option you can get them rewound. There are still people who do this. the best option is to speak to someone in the HRSA down in Melbourne to see if there is someone down there. It will probably cost the same as getting a "NEW" transformer.
It seems strange that both of the transformers are stuffed. what have you done to test them?
(Just a friendly hint when posting to the forums... Keep using the same thread so people can follow what is going on)
Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 26 December 2010
Member #: 794
Postcount: 387
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the response. Glad you said that about the US based O/P transformer, was a little unsure myself.
Re testing, a freind checked them and said they were both stuffed, not sure how he concluded this though.
re another chassis, I bought 2 HMV record player a couple of weeks back, both identical chassis types. 1 had the ultra Linear OP tranformers and the other had been changed to universal type transormers. Again, the chassis with the Linear transformers shows both dead. They are open circuit on the Input side, but read 4 ohms on the speakers output side. If you like I can email a couple of pics of both the chassis and you can see the mods.
Re the HRSA, I am a member of them, but never seem to be able to get any response from anyone. Maybe I'm using an invalid or wrong email address - at least on this site, people respond which is great.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Member since 27 February 2010
Member #: 630
Postcount: 398
If you can trace the modified op of the amp with the normal op tx, I might be able to work out how to use a normal op transformer on your chassis.
You might like to send an email through to the ACT branch. its available on the HRSA web site. The person who answers might be able to stear you in the right direction as to who might be able to rewind the original.
Ether way you have options with the system, It just depends on how origional you want the system to be. send me an email (You should have my address (
Valve radios, They just don't make them like they used to
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 26 December 2010
Member #: 794
Postcount: 387
Thanks again Dan, I have emailed you.
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