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 HMV 887
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 11:23:41 AM on 29 May 2023.
Comalco's Gravatar
 Location: Emerald, VIC
 Member since 7 May 2023
 Member #: 2558
 Postcount: 11

I am looking at a HMV 887. I have a butchered speaker cable and damaged octal plug on the end of it - its wiring isnt complete.
A (dangerous) mains cable was poorly soldered on to the set, which was cracked and looked to be shorting wire to the chassis.
I have removed all of this non-original mains wiring.

My dilemma is that Tallar Carl's photo of an 887 on RadioMuseum seems to show a choke physically mounted onto the side of the chassis, with wiring going directly into the chassis, and not mounted on the speaker assy and wired back via the speaker octal cable. On the unit I have the temporary mains wiring was positioned where the choke is in this photo, and may have been using one of the choke mounting holes as part of the bodgey mains wire affixing.

Photos here of an 886 seem to show the choke mounted with the speaker.So what is correct for the 887?

It doesnt appear that there's an 887 schematic floating around on the web (some nice pics though). The 886 does have a schematic on the web (RadioMuseum, etc), but it doesnt solve the riddle of the choke and its (original) mounting and wiring.

Would anyone know of a correct schematic and wiring around the octal speaker socket of the 887? In particular of the choke?
A schematic would be nice (if one exists?).

I havent investigated too far as yet, as I am still confirming all of the parts and layout, but from what I have seen thus far the 886 schematic appears to be pretty much spot on (except to confirm the speaker plug and choke uncertainties).


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