STC 549 Radio schematic
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
Hi Folks.
I'm new here. I have just got a hold of an old STC 549 radio console unit and would really appreciate getting a schematic so I can see about getting it up and running. Pretty dusty inside the unit but it looks complete. Here are some images of the unit and internals.
Could also use some service details on voltages if possible.
Appreciate any input here.
PS: Since Brad is having email problems the pics will have to wait for now.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Welcome to steam radio - a great hobby.
Radiomuseum says that this circuit is in 1940/41 AORSM of which I have a copy.
Will scan this tonight and let you when that is done so you can open your email.
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
Nice one STC380.
Yes, nice to be here and thanks for the assistance.
Look forward to making this thing fire up again.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Circuit is scanned. If you open up your email will send.
Beware that STC circuits in my experience are prone to errors and omissions. For example the circuit for my STC830 shows a voltage divider, but the actual radio shows no signs of ever having had one. I suspect that the discrete resistors that I found instead were a modification that was carried through to the subsequent model the 831. Parts lists can have parts missing, or incorrect values ascribed to parts.
That said a circuit is invaluable. Just don't take it as complete gospel.
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
Thanks for that.
Not sure how to "open up your email". Is that some setting I need to enable?
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
There is a setting to open close your email in Control Panel at the top of the page.
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 2 October 2019
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Postcount: 271
Yes you need to make your email publicly visible in your account settings
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
That is at the top of the Vintage radio and Television page - not a computer setting.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Things are being disrupted by repeated errors:
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
OK thanks for that. I have gone into Control Panel and set "Show E-mail Address".
Guessing that's what you mean.
Hope that's right.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Yep you got it right. Email now on the way.
You can reset your email to hidden now if that is what you want.
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
Great, thanks so much.
The adventure begins ...
Location: Wallan, VIC
Member since 21 June 2021
Member #: 2452
Postcount: 9
One other thing ... regarding "You can reset your email to hidden now if that is what you want.".
I'll go with the flow on that. What's the norm?
Is it only visible to members?
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
I keep mine hidden just as a general security/privacy measure. I think most are hidden. Its up to you.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
It is only visible to members but there have been a few flaky members who Brad has turfed out for breaking the rules.
You need to be a member to post comments on this forum.