Astor HM restoration update
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Location: Gosford, NSW
Member since 4 December 2005
Member #: 7
Postcount: 45
Hi Everyone,
just thought I'd post an update of my restoration efforts for my Astor HM.
Phase 1 - Rejuvenate radio component is pretty much complete. (except some decorative work.)
Below are some photos of the work done so far. (Facia still needs to be repainted)
I've left the original can caps mounted for aesthetic reasons.
I probably need to get someone to give it an alignment, as I don't have a CRO or a signal generator.
I don't suppose anyone knows anyone on the NSW Central Coast who does that sort of thing?
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
I use an oscilloscope as I have them and they tell me lots about the signal. However, most of the Astor sets will have a capacitor, perhaps RF decoupled close to the OP tube and connected to a socket and the plate of the OP tube. That is for originally, an analogue meter on something like the 5V AC range.
That is for peaking the IF's, so you do not really need a CRO if you have none: Most early service people didn't as they were not cheap & you really needed to be professionally servicing, or later on servicing TV to really justify the spend.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Re photos, nicely done.
I have an old magazine article which comprehesively covers alignment without a CRO. I can email if you unhide your email adress.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
As a sideline but relevant. The "Peak" 200H meter has a dedicated socket "Output" (Have one). This has a 0.1mfd series cap and is for calibrating using the 400 to 1kHz single tone from a signal generator.
This of course prompts a warning to check the caps if you have an old meter. The 200H one was paper, and cactus, an AVO 7x had one let go and there is a litany of test equipment that has gone across my benches over the years.
There is absolutely no place for NP caps that leak to any extent, in test equipment.
Location: Gosford, NSW
Member since 4 December 2005
Member #: 7
Postcount: 45
STC: Thanks. I'd appreciate it. Email unhidden.
Marcc. Sorry - Stupid question, but what's an OP tube? (output?) - I've never touched a vacuum tube before beginning to restore this unit and I've not encountered this term while researching other than your posts here and on antiqueradio forums.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1306
Procedures sent, good luck.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
I am a moderator on an American Forum & lots of different terms get tossed around. OP Tube (output tube) US: Electron Tube (Philips); Valve here. In a radio, or amplifier is the one, or ones that end up driving the speakers.
The term "output" is as noted, often on Multimeters of the era like 200H, also refers to the Audio output Valve, where the meter is measuring the AC component of the tone as a voltage off of its plate.
Radio is not simple.
Location: Gosford, NSW
Member since 4 December 2005
Member #: 7
Postcount: 45
STC, Thanks got the guides. Cheers
Marcc, Thanks. I guessed that's what you meant, but doesn't hurt to clarify I just checked the schematic and it does show an output test socket between the speaker transformer and pin 3 of the 6V6.
I'll at least have to get/build a signal generator... Wish me luck. At least I have alignment instructions with the schematic.. Looks like I have some reading to do.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
Silicon Chip did describe one as a kit a while back; There is a Leader LSG-11 here basic sort of thing, I have a clone of it. Don't really care about the accuracy of its dial: I set it with a frequency counter. The leader needs a new transformer. Secondary 100V & 6V for two valves. Have not been looking to hard for one. If some one needs it … then it can be fixed.
There is a Sanwa one that turned up here. Don't know a lot about it, but as its shelf queening where it is. Tag says it was overhauled 2012 so it would need a recheck to make sure the filters are ok.
Alignment is a black art with many pitfalls for the unwary and those who do not understand. Bad alignment is the principle reason for "deaf" sets. (I.e. inability to receive stations)
Location: Cargo, NSW
Member since 19 June 2018
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Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5461
Yeh! I did get involved in throwing a few suggestions into that one. This one is not exactly on the priority list Too many distractions.
Weird one today was an "EG" series Singer sewing machine. Aside from a dodgy Bakelite plug & that I had to sand before shoving it in the PAT tester, then the mains it ran quite well & passed: The plug & shrinkage did get sorted. Then I diversified into making a part for a trailer.
Radio bench is still a bomb site. It has a radio on it & a HMV needing to go on it, but there is a device being made to help put water into the new tractor tyre & a change over windscreen wiper assy (vacuum) for the ute as it's current one stopped working.
I see SC printed my latter to the editor this month. Its not controversial but its mains electrical.
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