HMV Rhapsody Solid State
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Location: Shoalwater, WA
Member since 19 September 2015
Member #: 1802
Postcount: 3
Hi All,
Does anyone have any spare original manuals for this Radiogram?
I'm chasing the schematic diagram, if anyone can help out I would appreciate it.
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
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Postcount: 1221
There are two versions of the HMV Rhapsody that I know of. I believe HMV in the UK used the name Rhapsody on some of their models.
One is a valve model radiogram, 32-46, from 1954.
HMV 32-46 Rhapsody Service Manual
The other is a Solid-State T8-49 from 1968.
HMV T8-49 Rhapsody Service Manual
HMV T8-49, T8 4DA Sheraton Addendum
Both the 32-46 & T8-49 were manufactured at the HMV factory in Homebush, Sydney. In the short space of 14 years note the changes in style and design. The 1954 Rhapsody looks staid & conservative. Whereas the 1968 model has a low modernistic look and suits the feel of the late 1960's.
Location: Silver City WI, US
Member since 10 May 2013
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I think they used OTL germanium output transistors, AD161/AD162 (Philips?)
Some say the Germanium transistors sound better than Silicon -
- I agree after listening to many Amps from the 1960's!
Location: Perth, WA
Member since 7 May 2012
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Postcount: 157
I think they used OTL germanium output transistors
They used OC988 and OC987, to date I have trouble finding any. This model suffers from burn out to cancer within the transistor. They also get very noisy , even with no signal. People plug them in with out replacing all the capacitors and these things burn up. I have 5 customer chassis for repair because of this.
Does anybody know of a good equivalent to the above transistors?
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Have you considered replacing them with silicon transistors (making the required circuit changes to accommodate the differences in characteristics)?
Location: Perth, WA
Member since 7 May 2012
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Postcount: 157
No up until now I have not bothered to much , but it is closer to a point I may have too. It has fallen into the too hard basket .
Location: Oradell, US
Member since 2 April 2010
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Electrolytic caps in equipment this old may need to be replaced. They tend to dry out, and lose most of their capacitance. Hum or tinny sound may result. 😻
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
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The major issue that I find with early era transistorised stuff is the tendency to have the older style wax paper caps that do the same thing as they did in valve radios; Elecrolytics dry out & that can cause volume issues as they used them for coupling.
There are also in some small caps about 1/4" to around 1/2" long (Hunts, AEC) & their reliability has in my experience is on par with wax paper & many have been seen cracked & burned from shorting.So it always pays to look at the thing to see if this is not happening & there are obvious faults.
One of the issues with Germanium was thermal run-away & if parameters changed they could burn the junction & fail. Lately I have had a run on Germanium Oscillator / Mixers failing. It can be difficult to find a transistor that will oscillate in their circuit.
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
Member #: 1009
Postcount: 1221
I believe (unconfirmed) the OC987 & OC988 transistors are equivalent to AC127 & AC128, or AC187 & AC188 respectively. The other transistors (silicon) in this unit are the Australian made Fairchild types & these are not known for their reliability either.
Apart from the electrolytics, the only caps likely to give trouble in this unit are the Ducon Redcaps.
UPDATE: Transistor equivalents. NTE Electronics type NTE103A for both AC127 & AC187, and NTE158 for AC128 & AC188.
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
Member #: 1009
Postcount: 1221
Location: Shoalwater, WA
Member since 19 September 2015
Member #: 1802
Postcount: 3
Thanks MonochromeTV for the manuals, it was the 2nd one I was after. Thanks everyone else for the info.
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