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[Req] Where to Capture “The Magic of Radio”
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Location: Dublin, IRELAND
Member since 21 December 2008
Member #: 400
Postcount: 4
Hi All,
I’ve recently looked at the film “Radio Days” in which the main theme is “The Magic of Radio” ie the imagination created for the listener by actors and sound effects people in a studio. I’ve also recently looked a “War of the Worlds” documentary detailing the effect radio had on certain people’s lives back in the 1930’s.
In this modern world of internet and pod cast downloads, I’m interested in doing whatever I can to capture the magic of radio. Can I ask any enthusiasts out there the following:
Where, in the entire English Speaking world, do you recommend I download stuff like radio plays, comedies or other shows that were made in recent years. Also, any recommendations of specific radio pieces that capture the magic of radio will be of interest.
Also, is it possible to download vintage radio pieces (eg War of the Worlds) from the “Golden Age of Radio” (1920’s to 1950’s). Yet again any specific recommendations that capture the era would be of interest.
Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks In Advance for all responses.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7377
I don't think a lot of radio plays are made these days. I could be wrong but I haven't heard of many at all.
2CH, A radio station in Sydney, runs a play called The Castlereagh Line which does seem to be modern but set in an olde-worlde era. I wouldn't know where to get personal copies of the eposides from though.
There is a quite famous radio play that was made in the early years of radio here in Australia. It was originally called Fourth Form at St Percy's but later changed to Yes, what? It is a comedy starring a school master and sometimes three, sometimes four students. The students never learn much and usually cause the lesson to decline into a farce. At times they are caned by the school master though as in the real world the pain only lasts a minute or two and they are at it again.
I've always liked this one, it is very funny. Some Old Time Radio sites have Fourth Form at St Percy's available on CD for a price although these sites are mostly based outside Australia so I am not sure whether they are allowed by copyright law to be doing-so. I am sure that 2CH,, still hold the broadcast rights to this play. It may be worth writing to them and asking.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
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