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 Vogue Radio Manufacturer
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 16 · Written at 7:31:05 PM on 19 January 2014.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
 Member since 28 January 2011
 Member #: 823
 Postcount: 6799

Okay, so you have submitted the Vogue radio material and it's pending publication. I'm not going crazy after all.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 17 · Written at 12:27:02 AM on 31 January 2014.
MonochromeTV's avatar
 Location: Melbourne, VIC
 Member since 20 September 2011
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I had a look at Garyoz's Vogue radio on the Radiomusuem site. One of the pictures of his radio has a name plate inside the cabinet:- "Cabinet By Goldman".

H. Goldman was a well known Melbourne cabinet and furniture maker. H. Goldman was situated at 686-694 Chapel St., South Yarra.

Here is some futher information on Targan Electrical Co. and Air-Master radio:-

Targan Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd., the manufacturer of Air-Master radio’s, was established by May 1929, and was originally situated at 15 Kerr St. Fitzroy. The same premises at the time was also occupied by a straw-hat manufacturer.

By November 1930, Targan had moved to 131 (now 107) Brunswick Rd., Brunswick. In 1935, Targan went into voluntary liquidation. In September 1935 a new company called Radiokraft Pty. Ltd., was formed to take over the manufacturing operations and the rights to the Air-Master brand from Targan. The Radiokraft Co. traded under Air-Master Radio Pty. Ltd.

By September 1936, Radiokraft themselves went into liquidation. In the period between November 1936 & November 1937, Radiokraft (in liquidation) were operating from premises at 101 Scotchmer St., North Fitzroy. In March 1937, the contents of their factory, including plant, equipment, the rights to the Air-Master brand and 120 radio sets were offered for sale by tender. Licence royalties (ARTS&P) for the 120 radio sets were to be paid for by the purchaser.

In 1937 a radio manufacturing firm called Superheterodynes Pty. Ltd of 90-98 Chapel St., St. Kilda acquired from Radiokraft (in liquidation) the rights to the Air-Master brand. Superheterodynes Co. traded under Air-Master Pty. Ltd., radio manufacturers at 90-98 Chapel St., St Kilda until late 1953.

The buildings at 15 Kerr st., Fitzroy; 131 (now 107) Brunswick Rd, Brunswick (though much modified) and 101 Scotchmer St., North Fitzroy all still remain. The Superheterodynes premises at 90-98 Chapel St., St. Kilda is no longer and is now the site of the St. Kilda Police Station.

Sands & McDougall’s Melbourne Directories, Melbourne Metropolitan Telephone Directories & Trove Newspapers.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 18 · Written at 10:28:22 AM on 13 February 2014.
Audion's Gravatar
 Location: Perth, WA
 Member since 4 February 2014
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 Postcount: 19

I do know of another of that model console in Perth ,
If you want I can have a look and take some photos to see if it has any info, or variants

 Return to top of page · Post #: 19 · Written at 10:52:34 AM on 1 April 2014.
Garyoz's avatar
 Location: Perth, WA
 Member since 19 November 2008
 Member #: 381
 Postcount: 240

Is it Allans Vogue Consol that you know of?
I am waiting for him to send me photos to put on the Radiomuseum website.

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