Needed: genaeral guidance on posting images
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Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6747
Brad, given that 99.99% new of posters seem not to have a clue how to post images, and it's pretty tedious repeating the same instructions over and over again, it would be very helpful to have a "sticky" to be able link to in response.
Would you be so kind as to provide a tutorial that they can either find themselves or that we can link to?
(and please fix my typo in the subject line)
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7373
I'll insert a message on the 'new thread' page soon as this needs a bit of renovating anyway.
A long-standing wish of mine is to build something into the site - in fact there's already a mechanism for members to upload images to their own posts though it has never been enabled.
There's a couple of problems with doing-so and the main one is that there is no way of the site verifying the image size without using a third-party add-on. There are costs and security implications with going down that road.
There's another way around this but it requires a complete rebuild of the website using a more contemporary technology and this is some time off.
In the meantime your suggestion will help a great deal.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Oradell, US
Member since 2 April 2010
Member #: 643
Postcount: 830
Maybe just add a sentence or two about posting images to the Quick Reply.
Quick Reply
When posting a comment please remember:-
6. When adding an image to your post, write it using this format: (less than symbol) img src "theimageURL.jpg"> , and keep the image smaller than (the max size specification). And no text in the image that tells people to go to a spam webpage.
Example (less than)img src=""> will produce:
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6747
More than that is needed. Most people with this problem don't know how or where to host photos. If that is all too much for them, then they need to email the images to Brad (although I guess he would prefer that they chose the former method).
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7373
There's pros and cons going either way.
It's easier on my workload if people use their ISP webspace or a photo hosting site to host images but on the other side of the coin there is a performance defecit - photos hosted remotely take a lot longer to call and load into the site and that creates an advantage of images being hosted on the site, delivered to me via e-mail.
Of course, those members who are familiar with HTML will be able to do the job themselves. Images here have a width limit of 650 pixels though and DIY's need to keep that in mind to prevent the site's template from expanding.
I'll write a photo hosting tutorial this weekend.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
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