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Member since 7 November 2007
Member #: 192
Postcount: 23
Hello Brad, I tried to send you a message but it didn't seem to post via the contact link. I've just joined and like your site, thanks for all the effort.
1. Is it possible to post active links so they can be directly clicked on without having to copy and paste into a browser.
2. There are several old requests that I can help with. Is it possible to make it possible for members to make our email links available to ask if it's still required and to send service information, etc. I guess you're worried about security but it seems to work very well on the American Antique Radio forum and not cause problems.
Don Black.
Member since 7 November 2007
Member #: 192
Postcount: 23
HRSA web site
There was a talk on nitrocelulose at the HRSA a while back. Apparently Wattle sell modern similar products, in gloss and matt finishes if I recall. I must check with them for current situation for my own use. Auto paints also sell clear sprays, either in bulk for spray gun or pressure pack. I've got some but haven't used it yet. Estapol is impossible to remove if it has to be re-done later and has a hard looking finish, not recomended. French polishing isn't hard to do and gives an excellent finish, though not authentic for most sets after the twenties.
Don Black.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7373
G'day Don,
You raise some good questions. I wrote the forum software for this site at a time when I was still learning the ropes and that is why many features you can see on other forums are not yet included here. In fact despite the complexity of forum software, this one still has fewer features than the comments system on the front page of the site, which is a seperate function and less complex to build and roll out.
Good news however. Early next year this website is going to be completely re-written and with the benefit of many things I have learned in web development since building this forum, I can assure you that big things will happen and the features you'd be accustomed to in other places will certainly be here, plus many more. In the mean time, you can still and as necessary.
I tend to agree on the suitability of Estapol (made by Wattyl) for wooden radios. Whilst Estapol is a great product I do think that shellac and some elbow grease is a much better option even though it was rarely used on mass-produced receivers. Shellac is not as easy to prepare or apply but is much easier to rejuvenate a shellac coating than just about any other type.
I've asked a couple of painters about nitro-cellulose laquer and apparently it is no longer available. I haven't seen it available myself so I can't confirm either way. It may be that I am simply not looking hard enough. Some collectors argue that nitro-cellulose is technically a plastic anyway and I think this may be a reason why shellac is more commonly used to refinish a receiver. I have to say that it is my finish of choice at the moment.
I appreciate your constructive input Don and be assured that the points you raised will be addressed once the new website is developed. I will add that things like being able to change your account details, being able to edit your own posts, adding avatars (the small pictures representing the members that some forums allow), automatic hyperlinking of e-mail addresses and URLs plus many more will be included. Features like post count and smileys - :-x and coloured text, etc are already here but are either undocumented or only operating on the database at this time.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Member since 7 November 2007
Member #: 192
Postcount: 23
Thanks for your welcome and comments Brad. I've just searched and found that Wattyl seem to still have Nitro-cellulose available. There is a 400 gram spray can that should be OK for radios. Do a google search for Wattyl nitro cellulose and just nitro cellulose as a general search. I hope to try some soon and will post what I find.
Don Black.
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