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 Advice on resotration
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 11:46:06 AM on 5 June 2007.
conrad mill's Gravatar
 Member since 5 June 2007
 Member #: 147
 Postcount: 4

I have just joined this forum inspired by an old HMV table top radio record player I just picked up. Dates around late 40's maybe earfly 50's. I'm interested in getting it going and restoring it. I have a reasonable background in electronics moreon the electrical side. I 'm just wondering if anyone has advice on trouble shooting or where you would start in looking for problems. All the valves have been tested and are okay. The unit is getting power ,the valves light up but I can't even get a crackle out of it. The unit has sat for many,many years in a garage but is in remarkably good condition. I don't have a circuit diagram just a schematic. Any advice would be most welcome.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 2:53:26 PM on 16 June 2007.
Arty41's Gravatar
 Location: Brisbane, QLD
 Member since 18 September 2010
 Member #: 102
 Postcount: 301

Conrad, What valves does it use ?
Just because the filaments are lit doesn't mean you have power, start by checking the B+ from the rectifier, if ok check the anode of the output valve,ie is the audio output transfomer ok? Have you checked the speaker, if it's open circuit you won't get a crackle. I think that's probably the best starting point. I thought that a schematic was a circuit, which should give you the model number, if let us know what it is then that would be helpful.
Regards Rudy

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