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 Telstra big pond email
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 16 · Written at 12:24:11 AM on 29 August 2020.
Tallar Carl's avatar
 Location: Latham, ACT
 Member since 21 February 2015
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 Postcount: 2169

Marc that reminds me of a true story that happened in W.A the lineys were running a massive cable run near Kalgoorlie, after a few weeks the boss noticed the trench digger was well and truly off course. They had discovered gold and decided what the heck follow that route instead and yes that is a true story lol.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 17 · Written at 9:10:38 AM on 29 August 2020.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
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Its amazing as to what can be found, especially with the yellow detector; if its not on the plan, not where the plan said it was, nor at that depth, one of those will find it.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 18 · Written at 4:59:10 PM on 31 August 2020.
Irext's avatar
 Location: Werribee South, VIC
 Member since 30 September 2016
 Member #: 1981
 Postcount: 485

I've been having issues with Telstra email for some months now.
So is everyone else if you have a look at the forums.
They claim that they are doing upgrades to their IMAP server which started in June but if you look at their website no finish date is given.
It's very frustrating and not good enough service for what we pay.
Being stuck in stage 4 lockdown makes it that much worse.
Grumble grumble!!

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