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 Old radio circuits via Silicon Chip
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 2:31:14 PM on 9 March 2010.
2MuchJunk's Gravatar
 Location: Lithgow, NSW
 Member since 23 February 2010
 Member #: 628
 Postcount: 21

Going through my collection of Silicon Chip magazines, I have noticed in the vintage radio section, the author always includes an original circuit diagram.
I know Silicon Chip have a web site, but I'm not sure if they have a listing of the vintage radio topics, but if they do, it may be worth the $8.80 (inc postage) to order the back issue with both the circuit diagram, and restoration tips pertaining to the particular radio/device.
I will post a list later of all the circuits (relating to old radios) which I have in my collection of silicon chip magazines, and I may be able to scan some of the circuits and email them to any interested persons.
This is against Silicon chip copyright, but shouldn't present any problems.
As I said, the back issues are available, and if anyone is interested in electronics, or learning a little more about the subject, it's a good read.

This is not an advertisement, and I'm in no way affiliated with the magazine or the publishers, just a fool who spends too much money on reading material for my throne room (crapper)

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 7:23:55 PM on 9 March 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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You could be right about the copyright situation. My guess is that the circuit dragrams themselves, as published by the manufacturers, would no longer be protected by copyright given the length of time that has passed and also given that most of the manufacturers are no longer in business however the circuit diagrams, as published in the magazine, would be covered by copyright.

All I can do here is recommend having a discussion with the editor-in-chief of Silicon Chip, Mr Leo Simpson before making good on an otherwise faithful promise to help others out with what is a resource that is hard to come by. Don't forget that Silicon Chip also owns the rights to the former Electronics Australia magazine which ran a vintage radio column in parallel with that in Silicon Chip until that magazine (EA) changed its target audience and went broke almost overnight.

At many times in the past I have tried thinking of ways to legally acquire hundreds of circuit diagrams and publish them on this website so that members can download them as needed and it's always been my intention to offer this for free as a community service to the fraternity. Unfortunately, for the obvious reasons, I cannot knowingly include anything on this website without the permission of the copyright owner though this isn't the big hurdle here. My problem to date has been finding good free sources of circuit diagrams. I doubt the vintage radio clubs would help as they would want to keep their resources for their own members and I don't have a problem with that as this is one of the many benefits of membership of a club. I was once a member of the HRSA (member 1174) but I went through a lazy stage about ten years ago and my membership lapsed with a change in lifestyle and employment.

All I can do at the moment is invite all people reading this to send me whatever they have, using as many e-mails as it takes and I will do my bit by offering circuit diagrams on this website for free and on a permanent basis. Smile

One other idea I once had was to reproduce circuit diagrams myself in AutoCAD which would then leave me with the option of distributing them under copyleft protection (ie: others can download and do whatever they like with) but of course this is a very time-consuming exercise and there is a slight risk of inaccuracy. I'd need the help of proof-readers.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 10:52:06 PM on 9 March 2010.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
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 Postcount: 5357

There is a disk, often advertised in SC with all of the circuits appearing in AORSM's. This could be re-inventing the wheel. On SC copying the magazine article for anyting other than personal use (eg copy so that you don't destroy mag. when making a project) would run foul of the ACT.

There are I believe a couple of individuals / organisations that have bought up a lot of the rights to circuits, and are having them removed from many sites. We will not go into the ethics etc. of that here.

I have just completed reverse engineering an AWA proto type & drawing this up on an AutoCad. As this is liable to be a one, or very few off: Getting a circuit would be optamistic. This also applies to an Emmco of similar vintage (1930's) before AORSM's came about. My circuit of that is in the SC Vintage radio section. Not as an Emmco, as we did not know what it was. However, we are grateful that some SC readers, identified it and appreciate their feedback.

You would need more than a month of Sunday's to redraw everything in AORSM's. Based on my experience at drawing them up & the AutoCad that I use, has a symbol library for Electrical & Electronics.


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